Traditional gender stereotypes suggest that certain professions are particularly suitable and socially attractive for women and men. Such steretoypes may have a subtle impact on young people's study choices and can limit their capacities to develop their personal interests and talents freely. However, talents are not bound to gender, and women and men are increasingly proving themeselves in professions that do not correspond to gender stereotypes. The University of Jena offers prospective students taster programmes that allow them to freely explore their personal abilities and potential beyond predefined gender role clichés in protected spaces of experience and learning. In our safe spaces and learning environments, you can explore, experiment, and meet like-minded people.
- Girls' DayExternal link
- Boys' DayExternal link
- ‘Physics for schoolgirls’–Autumn holiday workshop for grades 10–13 de
- Campus tour through Thuringia for schoolgirls in grades 10 to 13External linkde
- Offers of the Thuringian Coordination Office of Natural Sciences targeted at schoolgirls (e.g. mentoring)External linkde
- Role Models—Successful women in STEM professionsExternal linkde
- Witelo—Scientific and technical learning environments in JenaExternal linkde
- Abi>> extra | Federal Employment Agency's magazine for school leavers showcasing inspirational career choices beyond gender stereotypes | 2020 editionExternal linkde
- Web portal ‘New paths for boys—Boys’ day’ External linkde
- Cyber mentoring—E-mentoring for girls in the STEM areaExternal linkde
- Video portraits of women in STEM professionsExternal linkde
- Information offered by the Federal Employment Agency External link
- Initiative for career and study choices beyond gender stereotypesExternal link
- Initiative for women in physicsExternal link
Room 1.01, 1.02
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena
Opening hours:
Montag und Dienstag 10-18 Uhr
Donnerstag 10-15 Uhr