Four children and their fathers laughing in a children's house on a playground.

Career and family

Balancing work and family life
Four children and their fathers laughing in a children's house on a playground.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

News and upcoming events

News from the family office ‘JUniFamilie’de
News and upcoming events on the topic of balancing your studies or career with family commitments.

Information offered by the University’s Family Office ‘JUniFamilie’ and the Dual Career Service

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Click hereExternal link for an overview of the Federal Government's Family Portal on financial aid and support for families in times of Corona.

Your contact point for further information and advice

Family Office ‘JUniFamilie’ at the University of Jena

Opening hours:
Tuesday 10:00–12:00
Wednesday 12:00–14:00

and upon prior appointment

Postal address:
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena

Dual Career Service

Office hours:
Please call to arrange an appointment.

Personal advice and representation of interests

Diversity Officer | Diversity Office

Telephone hours:
Please arrange an appointment by email.

Postal address:
Please note that our office is located on the first floor at Zwätzengasse 3. This office is not accessible (no lift).
Please inform us of your needs in advance so that we can arrange for a meeting in more suitable premises.

We speak English!