Mother and toddler on a bench in a park—the mother is reading, the toddler is playing with a mortarboard

Parenthood and academia

Balancing academic career and care work
Mother and toddler on a bench in a park—the mother is reading, the toddler is playing with a mortarboard
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

News and upcoming events

News from the Family Office ‘JUniFamilie’de
News and upcoming events on the topic of balancing university life with family commitments

Information offered by the Graduate Academy

Information offered by the University’s Family Office 'JUniFamilie' 

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Tips & Tools

  • ERASMUS+ support for disabled persons and students with children

    Severely disabled persons and students with children are eligible to apply for additional funds (top-up). If approved, these will be paid in addition to regular funding rates (in accordance with funding available for the respective country).

    You can request an application form for special funding at the International Office. A list of contact persons and office hours is available here.

    Learn more
  • Aktive Väter in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - Film project of the Universities of Tübingen and Jena (Röben, H. 2012)

In accordance with the Academic Fixed-Term Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG), the legally defined maximum period of employment is 6 + 6 years.

Early career researchers with childcare commitments can have this period extended by two years per child under the age of 18. In addition, fixed-term contracts can be extended by the parental leave period. For more information, please visit this pageExternal link.

Please note:

While these family policies offer employers and academic staff the opportunity to extend existing fixed-term contracts, any extension requires the consent of both parties. Employment contracts are not automatically extended.

Contact point for further information and advice

Family Office ‘JUniFamilie’ at the University of Jena

Opening hours:
Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00
Wednesday 12:00 to 14:00

and by appointment.

Postal address:
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena

Graduate Academy—Welcome and Service Desk for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs

Telephone hours:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00–12:00
Tuesday, Thursday: 14:00–16:00

Advice and representation of interests in special circumstances

Diversity Officer | Diversity Office

Telephone hours:
Please arrange an appointment by email.

Postal address:
Please note that our office is located on the first floor at Zwätzengasse 3. Our office is not accessible (no lift).
Please inform us of your needs in advance so that we can arrange for a meeting in more suitable premises.

We speak English!