Vocational training

at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

The University of Jena is committed to dual vocational training and currently provides successful vocational training in 12 traineeships - administrative and skilled trades as well as industrial-technical and green professions.


You can find current training opportunities on the central job market de

Our traineeships at a glance

  • Biology laboratory technician

    Biology laboratory assistant

    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Biology laboratory technicians carry out tests on animals, plants and microorganisms and analyse the results.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during practical training:

    • Carrying out microbiological, biochemical, cell culture and botanical work
    • Handling and experiments with animals in the zoological-pharmacological field in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act
    • Carrying out activities in the (subject) area|field of molecular biology and genetic engineering
    • Application of basic chemical-physical and diagnostic methods
    • Application of the latest analytical methods and measurement techniques, as well as handling the microscope
    • Planning, preparation and execution of experiments, as well as analysing and documenting results using laboratory-specific procedures

    Duration and location of the training programme

    • The training period is 3 ½ years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge is taught at the vocational school centre in Radebeul. Note: A stay at a boarding school is necessary


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in science subjects
    • Interest in natural sciences
    • Careful, precise and responsible way of working
    • Enjoy working with computers and technical equipment
    • Ability to work in a team

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Stefanie Müller-Kröckel
    Phone: 03641-9 49 00 5


  • Chemical laboratory technician


    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Chemical laboratory technicians carry out and evaluate tests on substances and chemical experiments such as analyses and syntheses.

    You can find more information here de.

    Training content

    Practical training includes the following knowledge and skills
    skills are taught:

    • Investigating the structures and properties of substances, as well as quality checks using state-of-the-art analysis methods and measuring techniques
    • Carrying out separation and purification processes for substances
    • Identification and characterisation of substances by determining chemical-physical substance data
    • Production of inorganic and organic preparations using various reaction mechanisms
    • Analysing inorganic and organic substances with regard to their qualitative and quantitative composition
    • Planning, preparation and execution of experiments, as well as analysing and documenting results using laboratory-specific, computer-aided procedures

    Duration and location of the training programme

    • The training period is 3 ½ years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences
      Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge
      is taught at the Jena-Göschwitz State Vocational Training Centre.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in science subjects
    • Interest in natural sciences
    • Careful, precise and responsible way of working
    • enjoy working with computers and technical equipment
    • Ability to work in a team

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Regina Floderer
    Phone: 03641-9 48 03 1


  • Electronics technician - specialising in energy and building services engineering

    Electronics Technician

    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Electronics technicians specialising in energy and building technology specialise in electrical power supply and other electrical engineering attachments in buildings of all kinds. They plan and install electrical attachments, safety lighting systems, lightning protection and fire detection and fire alarm systems. The installation of building control systems and data networks or control and regulation systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are also part of their range of tasks.

    To do this, you will create control programmes, define parameters, measure electrical variables and test the systems. During maintenance work, you will check the electrical safety equipment, determine the causes of faults and rectify faults. If necessary, you will advise customers on technical innovations and provide information on the expected costs of a retrofit.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during practical training:

    • Design and plan electrotechnical systems for energy supply and building technology according to customer requirements
    • Installing and commissioning attachments and components
    • Installing power supply equipment, lighting systems, drives, switching, control and regulation equipment and making electrical connections
    • Install reception and communication systems and data networks
    • Install and commission attachments for backup power supply and safety lighting systems
    • carry out electrotechnical measurements, test and commission technical building systems
    • test and maintain electrical attachments, devices and safety equipment
    • carry out inspections and maintenance work, repair attachments and components
    • checking the function, operational safety and energy efficiency of devices and attachments
    • Creating technical documentation

    Duration and location of training

    • The training period is 3 ½ years.
    • The practical training takes place in the Department of Construction and Real Estate, Staff Unit-Electrical Engineering at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Theoretical knowledge is taught at the state vocational school centre in Unterwellenborn.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in science subjects, Mathematics, Physics and English
    • Interest in technology and working with technical devices and attachments as well as manual dexterity
    • Ability to think logically
    • Careful and systematic way of working
    • Interest in data processing
    • ability to work in a team

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Steffen Jupe
    Phone: 03641-9 414 323


  • Specialist for media and information services - specialising in libraries

    Thulb Azubi

    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Media and information services specialists specialising in libraries are involved in setting up and maintaining library collections and carry out administrative and organisational administrative and organisational work. They also provide advisory services(s)|consultations
    They also advise customers on researching and procuring information and media.

    Training content

    Practical training includes the following knowledge and skills are taught:

    • Acquisition, cataloguing and indexing of books, journals, electronic media, etc.
    • Research strategies and search techniques for information and data
    • Administration and maintenance of the collection
    • Information, advisory service(s)|consultations and support for users
    • Communication and co-operation
    • Work organisation and library administration

    Duration and location of the training programme

    • The training period is 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Thuringian University and State
      State Library of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical
      knowledge is taught at the state vocational school centre in Sondershausen.
      Note: A stay at a boarding school is necessary


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in German and English
    • Interest in working with books, magazines and other media
    • Careful and systematic way of working
    • basic knowledge of electronic data processing is desirable
    • sense of order
    • Enjoy working with people

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Julia Brauer

    Tel.: 03641-9 40 40 51


  • IT specialist - specialising in application development

    Job description

    IT specialists in this field specialise in the selection, development, adaptation and maintenance of software and databases as well as user training. They use appropriate software engineering methods and procedures, programming languages and suitable development tools.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during practical training:

    • Creating responsive websites using HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript
    • Dealing with relational databases, use of SQL
    • Dealing with and providing advisory service(s)|consultations to customers
    • Error analysis, troubleshooting and data backup
    • System architecture, hardware and operating systems
    • Creating your own applications with the help of C#
    • Installing and configuring application software

    Duration and location of the apprenticeship

    • The training period is 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (University Computer Centre / Thuringian University and State Library). The theoretical knowledge is taught at the state vocational school centre in Hermsdorf.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in scientific subjects
    • Technical understanding
    • Previous knowledge of common operating systems is desirable
    • initial experience in programming in an object-orientated programming language
    • computational, logical and spatial thinking skills
    • Ability to solve complex problems independently and on your own responsibility

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Thomas Scheffler
    Phone: 03641-9 40 40 27


  • IT specialist - specialising in system integration

    Job description

    IT specialists specialising in system integration implement hardware solutions from server to client and develop automated systems, build larger information and communication systems, install multi-user systems and mainframe systems. This also includes analysing, planning and implementing solutions for IT problems.

    They provide service and information to users, help them with application problems, explain new systems and answer all IT-related questions.

    The maintenance and repair of existing devices and attachments is also part of their area of responsibility. Typical fields of activity are the computer centre, networks, client/server systems, fixed networks or radio networks.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills are mainly taught during practical training:

    • Realisation and support of system solutions
    • System architecture, hardware and operating systems
    • Creating scripts via PowerShell/CMD
    • Dealing with and supporting customers
    • Client management
    • Installing and configuring application software
    • Installing and configuring server systems
    • Error analysis, troubleshooting and data backup
    • Occupational safety, environmental protection and data protection

    Duration and location of the apprenticeship

    • The training period is 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (University Computer Centre / Thuringian University and State Library). Theoretical knowledge is taught at the state vocational school centre in Hermsdorf.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in science subjects
    • previous knowledge in the PC area|field is desirable
    • Technical understanding
    • Ability to think mathematically, logically and spatially
    • Self-employed|on a self-employed basis and enjoy working with people

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Michael Oehrlich
    Tel.: 03641 - 9 40 41 26 or 9 40 41 23


  • Gardener - specialising in ornamental horticulture

    Botanischer Garten

    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper

    Job profile

    Gardeners can specialise in different subject areas|fields. If you specialise in ornamental plant cultivation, you will produce ornamental plants, potted plants, cut flowers or bedding and balcony plants in an energy and environmentally conscious manner. You will learn how to use and assess soils and substrates correctly and cultivate ornamental plants in a timely and environmentally friendly manner.

    Climate control, irrigation, fertilisation or lighting and darkening are now carried out using state-of-the-art technology. Work such as harvesting, sorting or selling is also carried out by a gardener. They also have the task of informing and advising customers.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during practical training:

    • Training in the greenhouse (vegetative and generative propagation, young plant cultivation, greenhouse technology, fertilisation, plant protection, seed science)
    • Outdoor training (propagation of perennials, young plant cultivation, bed preparation, irrigation, fertilisation, plant protection, woody plant care, equipment knowledge)
    • Marketing
    • production

    Duration and location of the training programme

    • The training programme lasts 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place in the Botanical Garden of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge is taught at the Ernst-Benary-Schule in Erfurt. In addition, guest internships take place in various horticultural facilities|institutions|(structural) units in Jena.


    • Secondary school leaving certificate, good grades, especially in Biology and Geography
    • health aptitude
    • manual skills
    • Interest in and love of plants and nature
    • good manners

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Lisa Raabe
    Phone: 03641-949278


  • Industrial mechanic for precision engineering


    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Industrial mechanics for precision engineering plan and manufacture precision engineering devices and
    precision engineering devices, equipment and attachments from semi-finished and standardised parts and these into operation. They work in prototype construction, individual and small series production
    as well as in technical service and maintenance.

    HereExternal link you can find our video on training as an industrial mechanic - precision engineering.

    Training content

    Practical training includes the following knowledge and skills are taught:

    • Manufacturing components, assemblies and devices by:
      • Manual and mechanical machining
      • Cutting and forming
      • Joining by means of screwing, welding, soldering and gluing
    • Measuring and testing
    • Assembling components into precisely functioning assemblies, devices and systems
    • Maintenance and servicing of device systems
    • Commissioning these devices and testing and adjusting functions
    • Electrical and control technology components
    • Creating programmes and working on CNC machines

    Duration and location of training

    • The training period is 3 ½ years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
      of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge is taught
      taught at the state vocational school centre in Jena-Göschwitz.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in scientific subjects
    • manual skills
    • Spatial imagination
    • Technical understanding
    • physical resilience

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Jörg Demmler
    Phone: 03641-94 70 67


  • Office management clerk


    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Office management assistants are trained on a rotational basis in various subject areas|fields of university administration such as Finance and Procurement, Human Resources, Property Management, Student Services, Post Office and in the Administrative Assistant of a faculty.

    They support the departments in handling day-to-day business and take on Administrative Assistant and assistant tasks such as planning events and business travel|business trips, processing procurement procedures and auditing. They are the contact persons for professors, students and guests of the institution of higher education and are responsible for handling university communication and correspondence.

    Training content

    The newly revised compulsory qualifications and two optional qualifications are acquired during the training programme.

    The compulsory qualifications cover the knowledge required to carry out day-to-day business. These are the subject of the first and second year of training and include

    • Information processing, e.g. drafting letters and minutes, processing mail, using legal texts, processing files
    • Coordination and organisational tasks, e.g. planning meetings, business travel|business trips, events, receiving and looking after visitors, finding transport connections, making reservations
    • Order processing, e.g. checking invoices, calculating remuneration, examination of orders
    • Materials management, e.g. ordering office supplies, stocktaking of all office supplies, materials distribution

    You will acquire the elective qualifications in the third year of training. They cover subject-specific knowledge in certain areas. The university currently offers the following elective qualifications:

    • Human resources management
    • Assistance and Administrative Assistant

    A period of five months is planned for each of the two qualifications. During this time, you will be deployed in appropriately specialised subject) areas|field within the University Administration or an Administrative Assistant in one of the faculties.

    Job opportunities

    Due to the complexity of the job description "Office Management Assistant", there are a variety of possible places to work depending on your chosen qualification. These include, for example

    • Public facilities|institutions|(structural) units, e.g. universities/universities of applied sciences or municipal administrations
    • Companies in numerous sectors, e.g. retail, logistics

    Duration and location of the apprenticeship

    • The apprenticeship lasts a total of 3 years
    • The practical training takes place in several subject areas|fields of the university administration, such as the Human Resources Department or the Department of Finance and Procurement and in the Administrative Assistant of a faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge will be taught at the State Vocational School for Business, Administration and Nutrition in Weimar.

    What the Friedrich Schiller University also offers you

    During your training with us, you will be supported by experienced trainers and colleagues. We also have very well-equipped workplaces with state-of-the-art technology. During your training, you will receive an appropriate training allowance in accordance with the collective agreement for trainees of the federal states (TVA-L-BBiG). Throughout your apprenticeship, we offer additional seminars such as specialised training or English courses.

    You have the opportunity to take part in study trips and internships abroad during the three years of training and are supported accordingly by the Friedrich Schiller University. During an annual training trip with trainers and trainees, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other. The doors of our university library are of course also open for your independent study|self-directed learning|self-study. We are happy to advise trainees from abroad on finding suitable accommodation.


    • good secondary school certificate, especially in German and English
    • good knowledge of spelling and grammar
    • Interest in working on a PC, basic knowledge of electronic data processing is desirable
    • A sense of responsibility
    • sense of order
    • Enjoy working with people

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Szilvia Mammel
    Phone: 03641-9 41 54 12


  • Media designer image and sound

    Mitarbeiter des Multimediazentrums bei der Feierlichen Immatrikulation

    Image: Gyulsen Yordanova Akkaya

    Job description

    Image and sound media designers plan media productions and are involved in their realisation.
    realisation. They set up media-specific production systems, produce image and sound recordings and edit them. In the run-up to a media production, media designers plan the technical processes, select the necessary technical equipment and install it.

    During an event, you are responsible for the operation and smooth technical process. In post-production, you will edit the relevant material and make it available on the necessary data carriers for further use.

    HereExternal link you can find our video on training as a media designer for image and sound.

    Training content

    Practical training includes the following knowledge and skills
    skills are taught:

    • Operation of camera technology and recording equipment
    • Audio and video editing
    • Maintenance and care of media technology
    • Installation and operation of presentation technology
    • Technical preparation and realisation of events with multimedia support
    • Installation and operation of lighting technology
    • Production of multimedia data carriers for teaching and research
    • Communication technologies (video conferencing, streaming)
    • Supervision of multimedia PC workstations

    Duration and location of training

    • The training period is 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place at the Multimedia Centre of the Friedrich Schiller
      University of Jena. The theoretical knowledge will be taught at the Gutenberg School, Vocational School Centre of the City of Leipzig. Note: Accommodation in Leipzig is recommended and costs can be covered.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in science subjects and English
    • Interest in technology and how devices, machines and systems work
    • Careful and systematic way of working
    • Creativity, teamwork and communication skills

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Frank Reißmann
    Tel.: 03641-9 40 45 64


  • Digital and print media designer - specialising in design and technology

    Job description

    As a media designer for digital and print media, you will be involved in the design and production of advertising materials and digital media productions. In addition to designing traditional media such as brochures, advertisements, posters, newspapers, magazines and catalogues, your tasks will also include developing websites and DVD or CD-ROM applications.

    Handling the relevant hardware such as digital or laser printers and printing machines is also part of your daily tasks.

    The job profile is characterised by the ever-increasing multiple use of digital data in various media and requires the interdisciplinary use of new technologies. This profession requires a high degree of teamwork, as close collaboration with editors, programmers and designers is essential to achieve optimal results.

    HereExternal link you can find our video on training as a media designer " digital and print - specialising in design and technology".

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during the practical training:

    • Design of digital or printed information media
    • Development of concepts for product creation
    • Planning of production processes
    • Data preparation
    • Image and graphics processing and output on various media
    • Editing text, graphics, audio and video files for print or multimedia products
    • Digitisation of analogue files
    • Production of print and plot products
    • Digital photography
    • Note: During the entire training period, the emphasis is on the production of print products. Please be sure to find de out more here. de

    Duration and location of training

    • The apprenticeship lasts 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place in the Printing Service staff unit at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The theoretical knowledge is taught at the State Vocational Training Centre Saale-Orla-Kreis/Pößneck. Note: Accommodation in Pößneck is recommended and costs may be covered.


    • Good secondary school leaving certificate, especially in Mathematics, Physics and English
    • Technical understanding (manual skills) and interest in information technology
    • A keen interest in media
    • A sense of aesthetics and trends, creativity
    • Self-em|on a self-employed basis, flexibility and ability to work in a team

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Sandra Kraut
    Tel.: 03641 - 9 40 45 91

    Further information is available directly from SG Druck-Service. de

  • Carpenter


    Image: Anne Günther

    Job description

    Being a carpenter means working on the basis of a traditional craft. You make furniture, doors and windows, usually customised, from wood and wood-based materials, but also plastics, metal and glass, and carry out interior finishing work. The workplace is mainly in workshops, but you will also work directly with customers or on construction sites.

    Training content

    The following knowledge and skills, among others, are taught during practical training:

    • Preparing designs, sketches and workshop drawings in consultation with the customer
    • Knowing and using carpentry tools and how to care for them
    • Know the properties of wood and how to distinguish between different types of wood
    • Manual processing of wood (planing, sawing, filing, sanding)
    • Produce various wood joints
    • Working on machines and caring for them
    • surface treatment
    • Veneering wooden workpieces
    • Processing plastic, glass and metal
    • Carrying out assembly work

    Duration and location of the apprenticeship

    • The apprenticeship lasts 3 years.
    • The practical training takes place in the carpentry workshop of the Friedrich Schiller University's Department of Construction and Real Estate. The carpentry work is used exclusively for the university. The theoretical knowledge is taught at the Hermsdorf State Vocational School Centre.


    • Secondary school leaving certificate, good performance in scientific subjects
    • Good manual skills
    • a certain passion for working with wood as a material
    • Physical resilience
    • ability to work in a team

    Contact person for this traineeship

    Jacob Linde
    Phone: 03641-9 41 43 16



Please note: Our vocational training is only offered in German. The language level required for the training is B2 to C2 according to the ‘Common European Framework of Reference for Languages’

B2: The apprentice can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their area of specialization. The apprentice can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. The apprentice can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

C1: The apprentice can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. The apprentice can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without having to obviously search for many words. The apprentice can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. The apprentice can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing controlled use of various cohesive devices.

C2: The apprentice can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. The apprentice can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. The apprentice’s expression is spontaneous, very fluent and precise, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.