Events at Friedrich Schiller University Jena bring together people with common interests, concerns or tasks. All those present should feel equally welcome and addressed and be supported in the best possible way for equal participation.The basis for this is an organization of the events that addresses possible barriers and discrimination factors for participants in advance.
Organization of Events
- University of Cologne (2018). Hochschul-Events barrierefrei organisieren. Checkliste für Tagungen, Vorträge undLehrveranstaltungen an der Universität zu Köln. External linkCologne.
- Information portal of the Bundesfachstelle Barrierefreiheit (Federal Agency for Accessibility) External linkon the organization of accessible events with practical advice, concrete tips, further inks and a checklist for event planning.
- Bundeskompetenzzentrum Barrierefreiheit (2012). Guidelines and checklist for accessible events. External link. Berlin.
Accessible PDFs
The Section Staff Development regularly offers workshops for employees on the accessible design of PDF documents as part of its continuing education programme. You can find upcoming events in the catalogue of the Section Staff DevelopmentExternal link in the Qualifications Portal
Information materials
- Adobe (2005). Erstellen von barrierefreien PDF-Dokumenten mit Adobe AcrobatHandbuch zur Veröffentlichung von PDF-Dokumenten für Benutzer mit BehinderungenExternal link.
- Barrierekompass - Portal für digitale Barrierefreiheit.External link Handbuch barrierefreie PDFs.
Accessible Office templates
Microsoft Office offers
accessibility guides and accessible templatesExternal link in Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as
an Accessibility CheckerExternal link for documents and emails (Outlook).
Gender- and diversity-sensitive language
- Online toolbox ‘Gender and diversity-conscious teaching’ of Freie Universität Berlin: Gender- and diversity-conscious language in teaching.External link
- Klamt, M. (2016). Handlungsempfehlungen für eine diversitätssensible Mediensprache.External link University Frankfurt.
- You can find information on the University’s regulations along with practical tips on how to use gender-inclusive language in the media and in English and German on our information page 'Fair actions - Fair speech. Use of gender-neutral language at Friedrich Schiller University Jena'.
Assistive technology
In order to assist people with disabilities in participating in events and in examinations, we have the following technical aids available at the University:
- Stair caterpillar. Anyone expecting wheelchair users to attend events in buildings that are not wheelchair accessible can order the stair caterpillar, including trained operating personnel, free of charge when booking a room with the Lecture Theatre and Function Rooms Management department. The device is connected to the user's own wheelchair or a suitable wheelchair provided by the university and can travel up and down the stairs with the person in the wheelchair seat.
- Lecture halls with technology equipment for live streaming and recording of courses Learn more
- Braille printer in the printing center. Learn more
- workstations for the visually impaired at the Thuringian University and State Library Learn more External link
- electronic magnifiers (which can be connected to monitors) in the central advice and service centres
- 12” tablets with (removable) WiFi stick for the visually impaired to individually enlarge presentations as well as for use as ‘empty devices’ (cheat-proof) in exams (Enquiries should only be made by employees or via the examination offices) Learn more
- large print keyboards with large, high-contrast keys for the visually impaired and those with manual dexterity issues (compatible with the 12” tablets). (Enquiries only via the examination offices) Learn more
- speech recognition software
Accessibility in buildings
Overviewpdf, 126 kb · de of accessible buildings at the University of Jena (as of November 2020)
Diversity-sensitive university teaching
Further information on the gender- and diversity-sensitive teaching can be found here.