Executive Team of the Green Office

Green Office

Central coordination unit for sustainability at the University of Jena
Executive Team of the Green Office
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Get involved!

The Green Office is open to anyone who would like to promote sustainability at our university. We welcome suggestions and new ideas. Feel free to contact us and drop by for a cup of coffee or tea at our weekly team meetings (Mondays 10:15 am)!

What is the Green Office?

The Green Office serves as a coordination centre for sustainability at the University of Jena. We see ourselves as a source of ideas and bring together the relevant people and institutions within the university. We also implement our own sustainability projects.

Who is the Green Office?

The Green Office is made up of an interdisciplinary team. It is headed by Laura Brock, PD Dr Thomas Heller and Claudia Hilbert, all three of whom work full-time in different subject areas|fields at the university and run the Green Office on a part-time basis. The team of three is supported by student employees. Maria Fronz has also been part of the team since October 2024: she is a research assistant in the "Thuringia teaches and learns sustainably ThüLeNa" project funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation.


  • Laura Brock: is an economist and works full-time as the university's climate protection manager
  • PD Dr Thomas Heller: is a theologian and a full-time employee in the President's Office responsible for the central institutions and committees (in winter semester 2024/25 as a substitute professor at the LMU Munich and in summer semester 2025 in Tübingen)
  • Claudia Hilbert: is a geographer and full-time employee for public relations in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Research assistant

  • Maria Fronz: studied German Studies, Romance Studies and Intercultural Business Communication and has been working in the subject field of Education for Sustainable Development for several years. She works in the project "Thuringia teaches and learns sustainably (ThüLeNa)".

Student employees

  • Fabian Löber: studies Evolution, Ecology and Systematics M.Sc.
  • Pia Objartel: is studying Protestant Theology and Religious Education-Teacher Training and German for a teaching degree

Further information on the Green Office can also be found in this press release. de
Further information on the project "Thuringia teaches and learns sustainably ThüLeNa" de.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us at nachhaltigkeit@uni-jena.de

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Green Office

Room E002/E003
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena

Opening hours:
We are not always available by phone. Please send us an e-mail and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Weekly team meetings: Mondays 10:15 am


  1. Brock, Laura Victoria Climate Protection Manager Green Office
  2. Fronz, Maria Research assistant in the “ThüLeNa” project Green Office
  3. Heller, Thomas, PD Dr Sustainability Representative of the Executive Board of Friedrich Schiller University Green Office

    Zwätzengasse 3
    07743 Jena

  4. Hilbert, Claudia Sustainability Representative of the Executive Board of Friedrich Schiller University Green Office

    Zwätzengasse 3
    07743 Jena

    Claudia Hilbert
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  5. Löber, Fabian Student employee, Coordinator of the Green Office Green Office
  6. Objartel, Pia Kimara Student employee, Project Manager at the Green Office Green Office