Adina, Zainab Master´s Student | English Psychology
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Demme, Nathalie Student | German, English Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Kesseh, Dennis Student | English Faculty of Business and Economics
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Konwar, Ikebana Student | English, Hindi Faculty of Biology
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Seifert, Rita Employee | German, English Archiv
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Bibliotheksplatz 2
07743 Jena -
Wagner, Tanja Employee | German, English Sprachenzentrum
Room 5.23
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena -
Wittscher, Ladyna Employee | German, English Economic and Social Statistics
Room 4.61
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena
What is the MHFA Programme?
More than 40 percent of Germans will experience mental illnesses at least once in the course of their lives. Even though we encounter many people suffering from psychological illnesses in our direct environment, the issue of mental health still causes a lot of uncertainty, prejudices, and anxiety. This is why we are conviced that prevention and desigmatisation in the field of mental health are of great importance.
This is where the MHFA First Aiders Programme enters the picture. MHFA First Aider Trainings for mental health have been developed in line with the successful guideline for First Aif with physical illness. The programme trains amateurs as Mental Health First Aiders within 12 hours.
Apart from providing theoretical background information, the training also teaches practical first aid measures for mental health issues, both while still developping, but also while already causing an acute mental crisis.
The MHFA First Aider Training improves the individual knowledge on mental health, reduces stigmatising behaviour, increaes the trust in one's individual competencies, and strengthens the aider's own psychological wellbeing.
Download the info flyer of the Institute for Menatal Health Mannheim here: Link (2 MB)pdf, 2 mb · de
The Goal of MHFA Certification Classes?
It enables adults to provide mental health first aid to their family, colleagues, and their friends, as it puts them in the position to succesfully read the signs and signals of mental illnesses, to understand them and react to them. The trainings are moreover offering a sensible additional benefit for educational institutions, companies, medical first aiders and many other insitutions.
For further information, please go to www.mhfa-ersthelfer.deExternal link.
Beyond the qualification of university members as MHFA first aiders via our partner programme in Mannheim, Friedrich Schiller University also plans to qualify instructors who will conduct MHFA classes on-site in Jena.
If you are interested in qualifying as a MHFA first-aider, please contact us!
MHFA Partner Logo
Graphic: MHFA Mannheim
Kevin Zwinscher
Julia Hoppe