Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate

First Online PhD Day on 4 February 2021

Online information fair and online lectures about relevant issues regarding the doctorate
Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate
Image: istockphoto.com


On 4 February, Friedrich Schiller University Jena will host its popular PhD Day again – this time as an online event. Those who are interested in a doctorate, doctoral candidates and soon-to-be postdocs have the chance to catch up on information about relevant issues regarding the doctorate.

The lecture programme offers a diverse range of topics, such as: How can I finance my PhD? How can I improve my teaching skills? How can be better with writing? At an online information fair, experts of several facilities of Friedrich Schiller University Jena will give advice about their different offers. Beside the lectures and the information fair, the doctoral council (DR.FSU) invites you to a comfy get-together in the online portal gather.townExternal link.

On the evening of the PhD Day, the doctoral council of Jena University (DR.FSU) is organizing an online game night. It will take place at the online portal Gather.townExternal link starting at 18:00 h.

Find more information about the lectures and the fair hereExternal link.