Proof reading

Support services outside the University Jena

Coaching, proofreading service, legal advice, tax counselling, migration advice
Proof reading

There is a wide variety of supportive programmes for doctoral candidates even outside the University. Subsequently, you will find a list with an overview of these programmes (without claiming to be exhaustive).

The division for staff development of University Jena can help you to find a coach. Coaching programmes, that are particularly for academics, can be found amongst others at the website of Karriereberatung für AkademikerExternal link and i.b.s. human ressourcesExternal link. For a nationwide search you can also retrieve information from the following data baseExternal link.

Legal advice
The student association ParaLegalExternal link provides free advice on legal issues. Enrolled doctoral candidates can also use the legal counseling service of the StudierendenwerkExternal link.

Problems related to refugees and migration
International doctoral candidates may also use the advisory services of Refugio e.V.External link and the Migrationsdienst der AWOExternal link, which is offered in various languages (e.g. English, Russian, Arabic). The association ParaLegalExternal link gives advice on legal issues. For families, there is the MigraBinaExternal link counselling centre. Ansole e.V. also offers a contact point for people of African originExternal link.

Proofreading and Translation of Texts
Ms. Margit Pantke as well as Mathias StolarzExternal link offer a proofreading service for scientific German texts. A database regarding the search for lectors can be found hereExternal link. With regard to scientific English texts, proofreading services are amongst others offered by ModilinguaExternal link, EnglischlektoratExternal link and EloquentiExternal link. A database regarding the search for translators can be found hereExternal link.

Tax Accountancy
You can take professional legal advice for your income tax statement by, for instance, Jenaer Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V.External link or Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V.External link A list with tax accountants can be found hereExternal link.