Patent Clinics and Patent Management
In today's knowledge society, education, research and protection of generated knowledge are among the quality and performance factors of a university. Intellectual property rights, especially patents, offer the chance to prove the research and innovation strength of the university and the knowledge and economic region of Jena as well as to support and promote the economy and the foundation of startups through successful exploitation. Our goal is to actively make the university's knowledge available to society, to initiate cooperation, to cultivate collaborative partnerships and to create added value for all sides. We offer a comprehensive service:
- Protection of research results through patenting
- Patent searches (e.g. on prior art)
- Development of IP strategies in connection with third-party funding applications
- Assessment of market potential and customer benefit of ideas
- Assessment of transfer options and transfer strategies
- Establishment of valuable patent families
Property Rights Service
The guidelines and strategic goals of the University Jena in dealing with intellectual property are anchored in an IP strategyExternal link and form the basis for the support services offered. The Property Rights Service supports the university management and represents the university in IP matters. The Property Rights Service thus offers support to members of the University Jena on the following topics:
- Evaluation and protection of research results and inventions
- Information on the Employee Invention Act
- Preparation and implementation of patent applications
- Patent office enforcement and defense of registered property rights
- Support of patent prosecutions in Germany and abroad
- Information and service on your invention remuneration,
- Exploitation of R&D results with industry,
- Preparation of the transfer of intellectual property rights in the case of spin-offs
- Contract management for licensing and sale of property rights
- Training and continuing education events on the subject of patents, property rights, licenses.
The staff of the Property Rights Service would be pleased to hear from you at an early stage. A formExternal link is also available for disclosure an invention. It can be filled out and sent to the Property Rights Service of the Research and Transfer Service Centre with the appropriate confidentiality.
All services are coordinated and agreed upon in close cooperation with the scientists of the faculties, with the inventors and the colleagues of the K1-Startup Service and Nucleus Jena as well as the legal office of the University Jena.
The Employee Invention Act regulates the legal relationship between employee and inventor. According to this law, the employee is obliged to report all service inventions to the university.
Patent Information Centre
Industrial property protection is of great importance for the economy. Therefore, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), as an upper federal authority, pursues the goal of increasing public awareness of intellectual property, especially in the business community and in research and higher education. In this context, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena cooperates closely with the German Patent and Trademark Office and complements the DPMA's central range of services as a patent information center on a regional level. The services offered by the patent information center include:
- Providing information on national, regional and international application procedures and on the course of IP procedures
- Free patent clinics for inventors by patent attorneys (1st Wednesday of each month from 4 - 6 p.m. (registration is required at +49 3641 9-402117 or silvia.herrmann@uni-jena.de)
- Search support and execution of patent searches
- Information and business advice on industrial property rights data management, industrial property rights evaluation, industrial property rights exploitation, industrial property rights management and strategy, enforcement options for industrial property rights (unfortunately no legal advice due to legal restrictions)
- Awareness-raising measures for intellectual property rights (e.g. through seminars, information events)
Information on professional patent research
Patents are indispensable in the economy, if own products, technologies and developments are to be protected against imitation and the competitor and thereby a unique position on the market is secured. However, intellectual property rights are also becoming increasingly important in the university sector. A significant proportion of the technical knowledge published worldwide is contained in the patent literature. Patents and published patent applications are therefore an important source of information and can have an inspiring effect on new research projects. Third-party funding organizations such as the BMBF are also paying increasing attention to ensuring that research projects applied for not only serve to gain knowledge, but that research results are subsequently exploited commercially. Exploitation strategies and intellectual property rights play a decisive role here. It is therefore advisable to conduct patent searches at an early stage in the development of a new idea or invention.
The staff of the Property Rights Service/Patent Information Center provide support by
- Imparting basic knowledge on search
- Selection and explanation of various Internet databases
- Help in developing a search strategy (keywords and use of various classifications)
- Determination of reasonable temporal and territorial restrictions
- Provision of your search results in user-friendly formats
for the following search tasks
- Subject searches (overview of the state of the art, novelty searches)
- Name searches
- Patent family searches
- Legal status searches
- Trademark searches
- Patent statistical analyses
- Surveillance searches
Searches can be carried out on the premises of the IPR Service/Patent Information Centre based on an extensive data collection. This includes, for example, official publications as well as exclusive access to Internet services of the German Patent and Trademark Office.
The Property Rights Service and the Patent Information Centre are the right address for your request, as we are
- Official cooperation partner of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA),
- Member of the PATLIB network of the European Patent Office (EPO),
- Member of the Association of German Patent Information Centers e. V. (PIZnet),
- Member of TransferAllianz (TA), the German Association for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (WTT),
- member of the working group of information brokers in Thuringia e. V.
and in cooperation with the information brokers in the faculties are also well positioned for subject-specific search.
Liutik, Christian, Dr Head of Property Rights Service / Patent Information Center SZ Forschung u. Transfer
Kahlaische Straße 1
07745 Jena -
Herrmann, Silvia Secretary SZ Forschung u. Transfer
Room 1.03
Kahlaische Straße 1
07745 Jena -
Pänke, Oliver, Dr Head of Transfer SZ Forschung u. Transfer
Kahlaische Straße 1
07745 Jena