Laser beams above the Jenoptik building

Advice on research transfer and business start-ups

How can I utilize my research results or set-up a business?
Laser beams above the Jenoptik building
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Service Centre for Research and Transfer offers you information and advice on how to utilise your research results. The Service Centre's business start-up service provides consultancy on ideas for setting up business.

Advice on research transfer

The Service Centre for Research and TransferExternal link supports you with comprehensive services in all phases of research transfer, from the idea to the successful market launch.

We support you in:

  • the development of utilisation strategies for your research project,
  • assessing the commercial potential of your research results,
  • researching patent databases on the state of the art, customer benefits and market potential of your idea,
  • the legal protection of your invention,
  • the planned utilisation of concrete research results and inventions through licensing, sale or in the context of setting up a company.
Oliver Pänke, Dr
SZ Forschung u. Transfer
Oliver Pänke
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Kahlaische Straße 1
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

K1 – Business start-up service

The K1 Business Start-Up Service is the central contact point for all members of Friedrich Schiller University Jena who are interested in the topic of business start-ups or want to realise a concrete business idea. Interested parties can discuss ideas with us, expand their start-up skills and push ahead with the implementation of their ideas. We accompany the entire start-up process from the initial idea to the development of a sound business model to the launch of the company.