The Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers its staff 760 parking spaces at more than 50 locations. This page provides an overview of the costs, allocation criteria, die cancellation procedures and access to the application form. We have also compiled a list of FAQ for you. All available car parks can be found on this car parks map.
Parking fees
Monthly parking fees:
Outdoor parking: €20
Basement car park ‘Am Planetarium 4’: €35
Basement car park ‘Krautgasse’: €45
Motorcycles: €10
Bicycle stands at the Thuringian University and State Library (ThULB/lockable room): €15
P: car park location
P + ∧: car park/basement car park
P blue: access not restricted
P red: access restricted by construction sites, closures, etc.
P green: available car parks
Our car parks are operated by different access control systems (barriers, gates, bollards). If you experience difficulties entering or exiting a car park, please check your access permission first (keys, thoska card). If needed, you can call the number displayed at the barriers. This applies especially to all barriers operated by decentralized control systems. In urgent cases our security service de is happy to help.
Do you offer parking spaces for external individuals and institutions?
Parking spaces are generally only available to members of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (see section 1, subsection 1 of the Parking Agreement).
Can car parks be overbooked?
Yes, this can happen in larger car parks. This is because we assume that not all employees will be at work every single day (due to sick leaves, annual leaves or mobile working arrangements). Our Section for Facility Management/Services decides which car parks to overbook on an individual basis.
Do you have a waiting list?
Yes, there is a waiting list. If all parking spaces at your preferred location are fully booked, we will put you on the waiting list.
Do you offer charging stations for electric vehicles?
No, at present we do not offer any charging stations for electric vehicles. However, as a result of the Building Electromobility Infrastructure Act (Gebäude-Elektromobilitätsinfrastruktur-Gesetz, GEIG), we are currently looking into suitable locations for future charging stations. By 1 January 2025, all existing buildings with at least 20 parking spaces will have to offer charging stations.
Am I entitled to a parking space?
No, you are not automatically entitled to a parking space. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee parking spaces for everyone. This particularly applies to parking spaces in the city centre which are very popular. However, we are happy to help you find an alternative options outside the immediate vicinity of your workplace.
Sommer, Daniela Division 4
Room 107
Ziegelmühlenweg 1
07743 Jena
This position is currently vacant. For the time being, please contact Ms Daniela Sommer.
First floor
Ziegelmühlenweg 1
07743 Jena
Office hours:
By appointment