The network‘s founding members, represented by 5 people surrounded by greenery

Scientists and Career Jena Network — Netzwerk “Wissenschaftler:innen und Karriere Jena“ (WKJ)

A coordination office for equal opportunities in science and academia, linked to the University of Jena’s Equal Opportunity Office
The network‘s founding members, represented by 5 people surrounded by greenery
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Lecture series WKJ Network
once a month Tuesday 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

  • Allocating parental work and mental load (fairly)

    Tuesday February 20th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Allocating parental work & mental load (fairly)

    How do I imagine a fair division of labour in the family? How close are we to this ideal? Who keeps an eye and mind on everything at home (the notorious mental load)? And how can all family members be integrated more equally?

    The online lecture offers input, helpful action and communication strategies as well as the opportunity for an open discussion. The speaker is Nils Seiler, Berlin. 

    You will receive the access data for the event (Zoom meeting) from the coordinator of your network area. If this person is not available at the moment, please contact Mrs Gößner (

    This event will be held in German. 

  • Taking time for oneself in everyday work and family life

    Tuesday March 19th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Taking time for oneself in everyday work and family life

    How can I recharge my batteries alongside my work and family responsibilities? What activities do I enjoy in my everyday life? And how can I create space for myself and take time for breaks?

    The online lecture offers input, helpful action and communication strategies as well as the opportunity for an open discussion. The speaker is Nils Seiler, Berlin. 

    You will receive the access data for the event (Zoom meeting) from the coordinator of your network area. If this person is not available at the moment, please contact Mrs Gößner (

    This event will be held in German. 

  • Traditional role models as a cause of conflict part I: The omnipresence of traditional rolemodels

    Tuesday April 16th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Traditional role models as a cause of conflict Part I: The omnipresence of traditional role models

    - Further information will follow shortly -

  • Traditional role models as a cause of conflict part II: Dealing with toxic behavioural patterns resulting from traditional roles

    Tuesday, May 14th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Traditional role models as a cause of conflict Part II: Dealing with toxic behavioural patterns resulting from traditional roles

    - Further information will follow shortly -

  • Adressing mental load of parents working in science - how does resource-conscious research and work succeed?

    Tuesday June 11th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Addressing mental load of parents working in science - How does resource-conscious research and work succeed?

    Parenthood alters our reality and perception of work. Suddenly, our carefully tried and tested energy and resource management needs an urgent update to meet the unexplored complexity of our lives. Embracing the pitfalls and challenges provides the opportunity to create a sustainable and productive work atmosphere.

    This interactive talk will explore potential adjustments and new ways to thrive as parents working in science. The speaker is Anne Warskulat, Jena. 

    You will receive the access data for the event (Zoom meeting) from the coordinator of your collaborative area. If this person is not available at the moment, please contact Mrs Gößner (

    This event will be held in English. 

  • Gender and diversity awareness for leaders and supervisors in science - how do we develop these competencies?

    Tuesday July 9th 2024, 1-3 p.m. (c.t.)

    Gender and diversity awareness for leaders and supervisors in science - How do we develop these competencies?

    Scientists generally learn supervision and leadership skills offhand as their careers progress because their ongoing research and growing management demands leave little opportunity for reflection or intentional learning. On the other hand, each person has a unique work and life reality, leading to different perceptions and challenges. Suppose leaders and supervisors are aware that their experience differs from others. In that case, they can fully develop and utilize the potential of their staff and students with less conflict, more productivity, and better scientific output.

    Leaders and supervisors offering support and creating an inclusive environment will also ensure talented co-workers remain in science.

    This interactive talk will explore the possibilities of developing gender and diversity-sensitive leadership and supervision skills and raise awareness for potential pitfalls. The speaker will be Anne Warskulat, Jena. 

    You will receive the access data for the event (Zoom meeting) from the coordinator of your collaborative area. If this person is not available at the moment, please contact Mrs Gößner (

    This event will be held in English. 

​Wissenschaftler:innen und Karriere Jena - WKJ Network at the University of Jena 

More equal opportunities for researchers

Promoting equal opportunities for female and male scientists is a concern of the German Research Foundation. In order to implement this goal at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the Scientists and Career Jena Network (Wissenschaftler:innen und Karriere Jena, WKJ) was established. Its task is to bundle the equal opportunity funds provided for coordinated research programmes and to use them for targeted and tailored measures.

All network members benefit from the central pooling of funds, because the targeted use of funds allows them to realize larger, joint projects. This is particularly true for smaller member institutions as it allows them to benefit from and participate in the implementation of larger measures.

On the basis of an annual needs analysis, the WKJ network realizes, among other things, the mediation, organization and implementation of the following measures:

  • targetgroup-specific mentoring programmes, continuing education and coaching to promote the career development of female researchers in the early stages of thier career
  • traditional workshops and measures to promote family-friendly workplaces in academia
  • interdisciplinary exchange of experiences as well as a platform to inspire new ideas and create networks

Coordination office 

Working alongside the Equal Opportunity Office of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the coordination office mediates the needs of its network members. This includes an annual evaluation of whether  the objectives of individual and network measures were achieved.

Contact: Coordination Office of the WKJ network  – Dorothee Gößner

Network foundation and members 

The WKJ network was founded on 1 November 2020 by three of the University’s collaborative research centres (SFB/TR 234 CataLight, SFB 1076 AquaDiva, SFB 1127 ChemBioSys) and the CSP OrganAge clinician scientist programme  (University Hospital Jena and Medical Faculty). In January 2021, the collaborative research centre SFB/TR 124 FungiNet joined the network. The network also plans to include other DFG programmes in the future.

At the WKJ network meeting on 6 November 2021, unanimous approval was given to add a new member effective from 1 July 2021: FOR 3004 SYNABS.

In October 2021, the network was joined by the research training group ‘Modell Romantik’ (Romanticism as a Model) and the collaborative research centre Transregio SFB TRR 294 ‘Structural Change of Property’. 

Founding document of the network WKJ, yellowish green leaves in the background
Founding document of the network WKJ, yellowish green leaves in the background
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Network members of the WKJ