The podcast provides answers to the most important questions that (not only) international students ask themselves.
New episodes will be published here regularly. Not all episodes are avaliable in English.
The Podcast can be found on:
Episode 1 is currently not available in English. You may find all informaton about applying for degree-seeking studies, the DSH course or the Preparatory College at the respective sub-websites at
New: Since the winter semester 2024 there is the Gemany semester ticket for all students. Instead of your Thoska a registration in an app serves you as your semester ticket. In contrast to the regular semester ticket before, this new ticket offers you free public transportation in whole Germany.
https://www.stadtwerke-jena.de/en/nahverkehr/privatkunden/tickets/deutschlandsemesterticket.htmlExternal link
Today's Host
Laura Kaden works in the International Students Team of the International Office. She is responsible for the application procedures for nationwide NC degree programmes and for international student marketing.
Britta Salheiser leads the team of International Students at the International Office. She is in charge of student support and integration, advice on visa issues and financing studies, and she organises the enrolment with her team every semester.
01:05 When can I start my enrolment as an international student? 02:28 Which specific steps do I have to follow to enrol? 04:25 Why do students have to pay a semester contribution? And when and how should they pay it? 07:10 What do applicants have to bear in mind when providing the German postal address? 08:55 What do I need to know about health insurance? 11:07 What is the next step once I have paid the semester contribution, submitted my German address and registered for health insurance? 12:12 When and how do students receive their Uni-Log-In which they need to register for courses? 14:48 When do students receive their student ID card thoska? 15:22 How can I register on the Friedolin platform? 16:05 Where can I get information if I want to know how enrolment works and what should I bear in mind when planning? 18:32 Who can I ask if something is unclear?
Shownotes and updates
- Start studying international website: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international
- All information and steps of enrolment for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#enrolment
- Friedolin Portal for course application: https://friedolin.uni-jena.de/qisserver/rds?state=user&type=0&noDBAction=y&init=yExternal link
- Study Orientation Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#STET
- Welcome Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/welcomedays
- Mentoring programme:
- All information on the mentoring programmes: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/inital-mentoring-students
- Podcast episode about the mentoring programm: https://www.uni-jena.de/podcast-uni-jena-international#Mentoring de
- International Office contact
- The arrival mentors are now called Welcome Buddies.
- The InfoCafé is now called WelcomeCafé.
Wencke Riemland works at the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, Housing Department. She is responsible for managing housing applications in Jena.
Britta Salheiser from the International Students Team at the International Office is in charge of student support and integration. -
Part 1:
01:12 Advantages of student housing 02:40 Dorms in Jena 03:10 Types of apartments 04:07 When and how can one apply? 04:32 Application steps 06:05 room allocation process 07:16 Questions and Studierendenwerk contact
Part 2:
08:09 What you can do if you do not get a dormitory offer? 10:17 Searching the private housing market 12:09 Rent 12:40 contact after offer 13:53 Searching outside Jena 15:06 Un/furbished? 16:25 Founding a flat community 18:30 legal advice 20:55 other tips -
- Overview and details about Studierendenwerk housing in Jena: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/housing/residential-homes.htmlExternal link
- Online housing application: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/housing/application/External link
- All advice, tips and handout about searching the private housing market: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#beforearrival see no 3.
- Studierendenwerk contact: wj@stw-thueringen.de
- International Office contact
Episode 4 is currently not available in English. You may find all informaton about the DSH course at
Stefanie Müller and Sylvia Canario Acosta work in the International Office of the University Jena, in the International Students Team and are in charge of the guest studies.
01:10 What exactly does the term "guest study programme" mean? 02:38 What are the advantages of a stay as a guest student? 03:16 What are the challenges of a guest study programme? 04:20 What is special about a guest study programme in Jena? 05:40 What are the language requirements? 06:37 What happens after I have decided to study in Jena as a guest student? 07:47 Which support services are available before arrival? 08:27 Which support services are available after arrival? 09:10 How can people interested in a guest study stay in Jena contact you if they have any questions?
- General and further information on guest study programmes: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/gueststudies
- All about the requirements for guest studies at the University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/guest-studies-application
- An overview of the scholarship programmes: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/guest-studies-scholarships
- FAQ on guest studies: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/guest-studies-faq
- The website of the Erasmus+ programme: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/External link
- ATS-programme offered by the department of German as a Foreign Language: https://www.dafdaz.uni-jena.de/studieren/auslandssemesterExternal link
- Language Centre at the University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/language-centre
- The mentoring programme: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/inital-mentoringExternal link
- International Office contact
Today's Host
Verena Wilk works in the International Students Team of the International Office and at the Career Point of the University.
Laura Huschenbett works in the International Office of the University Jena, in the International Students Team and is in charge oft he mentoring programme.
Mateo Zenteno Torres studies Physics at the University Jena and is a Mentee at the mentoring programme. -
Part 1:
01:22 What kind of mentoring programmes does the international office of the University of Jena have? 02:15 When international students are new to Jena, does an arrival mentor help them? 02:45 Is the Mentoring an all-round support? 03:35 Who are the mentors? 04:20 How does one become a mentor? 04:55 What are valuable experience a mentor can make?
Part 2:
05:45 How is the initial mentoring for a mentee? 07:11 Who can join and benefit from subject specific mentoring? How do you sign up for it? 07:55 What does a subject mentor need to be able to do? 09:00 How is the subject mentoring for a mentee? 11:20 Do you have any tips for international students in Jena? -
Shownotes and updates
- The Mentoring Programmes: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/mentoringprogramme
- The Internationales Centre: https://www.haus-auf-der-mauer.deExternal link
- The Info-Café of the International Office: https://www.uni-jena.de/welcomedays#InfoCafe de
- International Office contact
- Fritz Mitte Street Food: https://www.fritzmitte.de/External link
Update: Our arrival mentors are now called Welcome Buddies.
Today's Host
Verena Wilk works in the International Students Team of the International Office and at the Career Point of the University.
Britta Salheiser leads the team of International Students at the International Office. She is in charge of student support and integration, advice on visa issues and financing studies.
Teil 1:
01:15 how much does it cost to study in Jena? 07:37 What are the monthly costs made up of? 04:00 Do students need a German bank account? 05:20 What is a blocked account and do all international students need one? 06:39 This means that if the money is not enough, international students cannot apply for state assistance? 07:20 And which would be other, accepted financial sources? 08:25 The Emergency Grant – what is this and how can one apply? 09:23 Is taking up a loan a good idea? 10:34 And what about scholarships? 12:22 Does the University offer any scholarships? 13:27 Does the International Office offer councelling in general? 14:34 Is working while or besides studying a topic for many students? 15:30 What is a so-called Nebenjob? 16:50 Are there special rules for internationale students?
Teil 2:
19:50 What exactly is the Career Point? 20:40 How can an international student find a job? 22:25 And if students come to the Career Point, would you have a critical look at their application documents? 24:07 Does the Career Point help me prepare for job interviews? 25:57 Where can i look for a job? 27:26 Does the Career Point also offer advice about how to find an internship? -
Shownotes and Updates
- General information on the financing your study as a international student: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/financing-studies-international
- The Scholarship Database oft he DAAD: https://www2.daad.de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/21148-scholarship-database/?status=&origin=&subjectGrps=&daad=&q=&page=1&back=1External link
- Information about the Deutschlandstipendium: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/deutschlandstipendium
- The general social counselling of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/general-social-counselling.htmlExternal link
- Wertmarken für die Mensa vom Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/student-financing/tokens.htmlExternal link
- Information on the short-term loan of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/student-financing/short-term-loan.htmlExternal link
- Information about student part-time job: https://www.study-in-germany.de/en/germany/everyday-life/work/External link
- The Language Centre oft he University Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/language-centre
- Database for Jobs in Jena: https://www.work-in-jena.de/en/jobs/External link
- The website of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/enExternal link
- The job market of the University: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/job-market
- The Career Point of the University: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/for-students
- Career Uni Jena App: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/career-uni-jena-app
- The job portal of the Career Point: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/stellenboerse
- International Office contact
- From 1 March 2024, the new limit for working on a student residence permit has been raised to 140 days (up to 8 hrs/day) or 280 half-days (up to 4 hrs/day) per year.
- From 1 April 2024, the Immigration Office Jena expects a blocked account for the first year when regular students apply for a residence permit.
New Host
Laura Kaden works in the International Students Team of the International Office. She is responsible for the application procedures for nationwide NC degree programmes and for international student marketing.
Verene Wilk works at the Career Point of the University of Jena and supports students or alumni finding a fitting job.
00:40 What is the Career Point? 02:10 When is the right moment to deal with the topic of career entry? 03:26 What does it mean to study career orientatedly? 05:55 What can I do if I do not know what I want to do? 07:15 Can the Career Point support orientating? 08:05 Why are internships valuable and how can I find one? 11:25 To what should I pay attention in the search for an internship so it is beneficial form y career? 12:25 How can I find a place of work or even my dreamjob after studying? 13:26 Why is networking important? 17:00 What defines a job that is suitable for career entry and how to find these jobs? 18:55 How does a succesfull application look like? 21:45 How can I prepare best for a job interview? 24:50 How can I decide when I am unsure or a job offer has some disadvantages? 16:15 What should international applicants note especially? 29:05 What else does the Career Point offer if I want to deal with the career topic?
- Website of the Career Point: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en
- Career Uni Jena App: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/career-uni-jena-app
- Student groups at University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/free-time
- The University sports in Jena: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/ de
- Events at University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/veranstaltungskalender de
- Career Plannung Certificate Programme (ZertiKap): https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/zertikap
- The EC2U Career Plan Certificate: https://ec2u.eu/for-students/careerhorizons/career-plan-certificate/External link
- The Graduate Academy at University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/graduate-academy
- The K1 - Startup Service: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/research/service-centre-for-research-and-transfer/transfer/k1-startup-service
- Programmes for internships abroad: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/programmes-internships-abroad
- Events of the Career Point: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/events
- Jena Career Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/karrieretage
Content Note: This episode tackles the topic of mental health. In case of acute psychological issues one can get free support at the telephone couselling (0800 1110111). Other counselling options are linked in the shownotes.
Andrea Altmann is the head of the University Sports Centre at University of Jena. Alexandra Mincheva is responsible for Public Relation and communication at Unisport and Student Health Management.
01:50 What is the Student Health Management? 02:30 Why are fitness and health important while studying? 03:25 Are most students fit or fit enough? 05:05 What are the possibilities to become or stay fit as a student? 07:47 What are the challanges for students regarding a healthy diet? 10:12 Can one connect and meet new people joining the sports programme? 11:00 Are the courses in English? 12:50 Does the courses cost anything and how to book them? 15:50 What is the „Unisport Card“? 16:55 Which mental health issues affect students? 18:40 What are the possibilities at University of Jena to stay mentally fit? 20:25 Which role do sports play in the field of mental health? 21:25 What are the new healthy gadgets at the University‘s facilties?
- Unisports Jena: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en
- Student Health Management at the University of Jena: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/health/student-health-managementExternal link
- Unisports programm: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/sportprogrammExternal link
- Hiring sports facilities: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/hiring-sports-facilities
- Fitness Areas: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/sportprogramm/unifitExternal link
- Student Health management course offers https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/health/student-health-management/get-active-what-we-offerExternal link
- Cooperations and contacs regarding health at the university: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/university/profile/health
- Mental Health First Aid Team: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/mhfa
- Recipes: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/health/student-health-management/your-guide-for-healthy-studying/conscious-eating-during-studiesExternal link
- Cookbook from students for students in cooperation with the institute for Nutritional Sciences: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/iswhss_femedia/studentisches-gesundheitsmanagement/kochbuch-1.pdfjpeg, 532 kb · de
- Unisport Card: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/unisport-card
- Contactpoints in case of mental health problems (Free of charge):
- Telephone (and online) Counseling: https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/telefon/#telephoneExternal link
- Muslim telephone counseling: https://www.mutes.de/External link
- Russian Tелефон Доверия: https://www.diakonie-portal.de/themen/ehrenamt-freiwilligendienste/ehrenamt-und-engagement/telefon-doweria-telefon-doverija/External link
- Psychosocial counselling of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- Mental Helath First Aid Team: https://www.uni-jena.de/mhfa de
- Current projects of the SGM: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en/health/student-health-management/current-projectsExternal link
Jana Zeil works at Studierendenwerk Thüringen and is in charge with the General Social Counselling.
00:40 What is the „Studierendenwerk“? 02:50 What is your job at the Studierendenwerk? 04:30 What exactly does „counselling“ mean? 07:00 Is the social counselling for free? 07:35 Who can come and use the counselling offer? 08:00 How can one get an appointment for the counselling? 09:00 What should people do who are unsure if a problem is right for the social counselling? 10:00 How can the social counselling support international students with their special needs? 12:00 Is the counselling only in german or in other languages as well?
- Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/External link
- General Social Counselling: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/general-social-counselling.htmlExternal link
- Students with children: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/studying-with-a-child/External link
- Informations and offers of Studierendenwerk regarding the financing the studies: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/student-financing/External link
- Information and a previous podcast episode on financing from the International Office: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/financing-studies-international
- Support in cases of special hardships:
- Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/External link
Hsiao Hsuan Lin from Taiwan studies German as a foreign and second language for one year at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.
01:13 What is the exchange programm you came with? 01:35 Why did you choose Jena? 02:35 How was your journey to Jena and what was your first impression? 03:35 What do you think now about Jena? 04:27 How did you prepare for your stay? - From the application to the journey 07:30 What did you buy after arrival? 08:10 Where do you live in Jena? 08:54 Did you have any expectations before coming to Jena, that were proofed right or wrong? 09:55 Do you have contact with german students or mainly with international students? 10:40 Which challenges did you face and how could you solve them? 12:25 Did you have any support? 13:30 How was the start of the semester and your first day at the university of Jena? 14:38 What events offered support in the beginning – to get information and find friends? 15:30 Were the wokshops of the International Office helpfull for your preparation? 16:50 What are the differences between studying in Jena and your home university? 17:50 How do you like the study system in Jena? 18:40 How do you spend your free time in Jena and what is on your bucket list for the rest of your stay? 20:25 What are your tipps on how to handle homesickness?
- Guest studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/gueststudies
- The ATS Programm at the institute for German as a foreign and second language: https://www.dafdaz.uni-jena.de/studieren/auslandssemesterExternal link
- Accomodation:
- Dormitories of the student service organization: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/housing/External link
- An episode of this podcast about housing: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#E3housing
- Mentoring: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/mentoringprogramme
- The Start of the Semester:
- Welcome Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/welcomedays
- Orientation Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/stet
- Informations for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international
- Leisure time:
- Hiking in Jena: https://www.hiking-jena.de/External link
- IWM: https://www.iwmgmbh.eu/External link
- More offers: https://bunter-kompass-thueringen.info/athur?l=enExternal link
The lawyer Christian Gasterstedt gives legal advice for students at the Studierendenwerk Thüringen.
03:30 The legal adive is free of charge for students, 04:50 What does „counselling“ or „legal adive“ mean to you? 06:35 Who can come to you and get legal adive? 07:05 With wich kind of issue can one come? 08:50 The issues to consult you do not need to be university related? 10:42 What is your advice for someone who is unsure if her/his problem is right for the counselling? 12:18 How is the process to get a counselling session? 14:00 When is the right moment to contact you? 19:00 Are there any special needs with international students and how can you help them? 22:20 Is it possible to get the counselling in other languages than German?
- Legal Advice at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/legal-advice.htmlExternal link
- Rechtsanwälte Gasterstedt & Brechtel: https://www.gasterstedt-bechtel.de/External link
- „Prozesskostenhilfe“ (legal aid): https://e-justice.europa.eu/37129/EN/legal_aid?GERMANY&init=trueExternal link
- Initial mentoring for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/inital-mentoringExternal link
- Student housing: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/housing/External link
- Psychosocial counselling at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- General Social Counsellling at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/general-social-counselling.htmlExternal link
- Podcast on the General Social Counselling: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#Counselling1
- Other offers for legal adive:
- Students legal counselling „PARAlegal“: https://www.instagram.com/paralegal_jena/External link
- Counselling for tenancy law: https://mieterbund.de/service/beratung/External link
Anna Boldyreva and Emirhan Ayaz are the Uni Ambassadors de of the winter term 2023. On their blogs they give insights in the life of international students at the university of Jena.
01:15 What are „University ambassadors“? 02:25 What was your first impression of Germany? 03:28 Since when are you in Jena and what was your first impression of the city? 04:33 How was the start of the semester for you? 05:57 What was helpfull to you in the beginning? 08:13 How did you prepapre yourself for Germany and the university? 09:23 How did the search for an accomodation go and how are you living now? 11:00 Do you have any tips or advices regarding the preparation? 13:00 In comparison to studying in your homecountries: Which differences did you notice and what do you especially like here? 14:30 What was difficult for you in the beginning and how did you solve these challanges?
- Uni Jena ambassador scholarship: : https://www.uni-jena.de/jubos de
- Support if your are feeling lonely:
- Campus Couch: https://www.uni-jena.de/campuscouch de
- Psychosocial counselling: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/?popup_preview=abcdeExternal link
- Internationales Campusleben: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/interculturalcampuslife
- Students groups and leisure activities: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/free-time
- Study Orientation Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#STET
- Welcome Days with Info Café: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#WD
- Language Requirements of the University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/study-orientation-international#language
- Preparation and visa: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international#beforearrival
- All information on the beginnung of studies for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/start-studying-international
- Accomodation
- Information about accomodation: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/jena-living-international
- Podcast Episode about housing: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#E3housing
- Portal „WG gesucht“: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/External link
Valentina Bonacina comes from Italy and studies German as a foreign and second language. In her Bachelor programme she cames to Jena for one semester as an exchange student. She liked it so much here that she came back to study a Master. After her thesis she will work in Germany as teacher for langaugae and integration courses.
02:10 What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Jena? 03:07 What is your favorite memory of Jena? What was the best experience here? 03:57 Where the also not so good experiences? 04:20 How did you find new friends? 06:03 What is your favorite place in Jena? 07:00… and your favorite cafeteria? 07:40 … and your favorite library? 08:30 What didn’t you expect? What did surprise you? 11:30 What are you going to miss most? 12:33 Which memories will last you forever? 14:30 What is your advice for international students to have such an good time like you? 17:00 Valentinas memory of the first arrival in Jena
- Erasmus in Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/gueststudies
- Master programmes at the University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/master-service-centre
- The DSH-Course at the University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/dshcourse
- Trips and Events for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/intstudevents
- The Mentoring programm: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/mentoringprogramme
- Uni Sports: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en
- The Zeiss-Planetarium Jena : https://planetarium-jena.de/External link
- Dining halls ("Mensa") in Jena: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/facilities.htmlExternal link
- Valentinas favorite canteen „Philomensa“: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/jena/mensa-philosophenweg.htmlExternal link
- University libraries in Jena: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/homeExternal link
- Valentinas favorite library „Thulb“: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/thulb/standorte/arts-and-humanitiesExternal link
- The Cafeteria in the Thulb: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/jena/cafeteria-bibliothek.htmlExternal link
- Contact Interntational Office
- The Thuringian Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/External link
- The Wartburg in Eisenach: https://www.wartburg.de/External link
- The "Drachenschlucht": https://eisenach.life/en/sights/nature/drachenschluchtExternal link
- Career Point: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en
- Fritz Mitte: https://www.fritzmitte.de/External link
- Informationen zur Bewerbung: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/studies-international
Content Note: This episode tackles the topic of mental health. In case of acut psychological issues one can get free support at the telephone couselling (0800 1110111). Other counselling options are linked in the shownotes.
Birgit Thurm is a systemic consultant. Since 2015 she works for the Psychosocial Counselling at the Studierendenwerk Thuringia.
00:55 What do you do at the Studierendenwerk? 01:50 What does Councelling mean to you? 02:45 With which kind of issues can one come to you for councelling? 03:05 How does such a councelling look like? 03:40 Does is cost anything? 03:54 Who can consult you? 04:10 How to contact you for an appointment? 04:35 What different kinds of councelling do you offer? 05:20 What is your advice for people who are unsure if their problem is the right one for contacting the counselling? 05:45 What are special need of international students that come to you and are you prepared for this? 07:05 Is it possible to get the councelling in english or other languages than german?
- The Psychosocial Counselling at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- Other contactpoints in case of mental health problems (Free of charge):
- Telephone (and online) Counseling: https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/telefon/#telephoneExternal linkExternal linkExternal link
- Muslim telephone counseling: https://www.mutes.de/External linkExternal linkExternal link
- Russian Tелефон Доверия: https://www.diakonie-portal.de/themen/ehrenamt-freiwilligendienste/ehrenamt-und-engagement/telefon-doweria-telefon-doverija/External link
- Other counselling offers: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/external-counselling-centres.htmlExternal link
- Group offers of the Studierendenwerk: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/beratung/gruppenangebote.htmlExternal link
- Podcast episode about the general Social Counselling at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#Counselling1
- Podcast episode about the Legal Advice at the Studierendenwerk: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#Counselling2
Anna Boldyreva and Emirhan Ayaz are the Uni Ambassadors de of the winter term 2023. On their blogs they give insights in the life of international students at the university of Jena.
00:45 How long are you in Jena now? 00:57 What was the best experience in your time in Jena? 02:20 How did you find new friends? 03:45 Were there not so good experiences too? And how could you accomplish these challanges? 05:40 Would you say that Jena became your home? 06:35 What became your favorite place in Jena? 07:40 …your favorite Mensa/cafeteria? 09:07 What are you adives to master the first semester and the exam sesion?
- Podcast episode with Anna and Emirhan at the beginning of the semester: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#JUBoS_Start
- Emirhan‘s blog entry about the holiday season in germany: https://www.uni-jena.de/international/studium-in-jena/gute-gruende-fuer-jena/jubos/jubos-emirhan/die-schoenste-zeit-des-jahres-in-deutschland de (german)
- Events for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/intstudevents
- Intercultural Campus live: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/interculturalcampuslife
- Dining halls ("Mensa") in Jena: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/facilities.htmlExternal link
- University libraries in Jena: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/homeExternal link
- Anna’s and Emirhan’s favorite library „Thulb“: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/thulb/standorte/arts-and-humanitiesExternal link
- The Cafeteria in the Thulb: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/jena/cafeteria-bibliothek.htmlExternal link
- Support in the case of exam anxiety:
- Psychosocial Counselling: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- Group offer: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/beratung/gruppenangebote.htmlExternal link (german)
- The blogs of the University ambassadors: https://www.uni-jena.de/jubos de (german)
Today's host
Anna Boldyreva was Uni ambassador de in the winter term 2023/24. On her blog de she reports about her experiences in the first semester as an international student at the university of Jena. She herself suffers from exam anxiety.
Birgit Thurm is a systemic consultant. Since 2015 she works for the Psychosocial CounsellingExternal link at the Studierendenwerk Thuringia. There she also hosts group courses for students with exam anxiety.
Part 1: Anna’s experiences with exam anxiety
01:14 How does Anna’s exam anxiety show? 02:00 How does your status as an international student influence your exam anxiety?Part 2: How to accomplish exam anxeity
02:55 Which Methods are there to accomplish exam anxiety? 04:45 How can one best prepare for an exam? 06:13 What does the Studierendenwerk offer if someone suffers from exam anxiety and can international students participate? 07:08 Is is good or not so helpfull to speak with other people with exam anxiety? -
- Anna’s blog (german): https://www.uni-jena.de/international/studium-in-jena/gute-gruende-fuer-jena/jubos/jubos-anna de
- Podcast episodes with university ambassador Anna at the beginning and the end of the semester:
- Start of the semester: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#JUBoS_Start
- End of the semester: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#JUBoS_end
- Podcast episode with Birgit Thurm about the Psychosocial Counselling:
- https://www.uni-jena.de/en/podcast-uni-jena-international#support3
- Support offers in case of exam anxiety at the Studierendenwerk
- Psychosocial Counselling (single counselling): https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- Course- and group offers (in german): https://www.stw-thueringen.de/beratung/gruppenangebote.htmlExternal link
- Uni embassador Emirhan’s experiences with the pomodore method (german): https://www.uni-jena.de/international/studium-in-jena/gute-gruende-fuer-jena/jubos/jubos-emirhan/methode-zur-steigerung-ihrer-lerneffizienz de
Matvii Plodiienko is from Ukraine and studies Business Analytics in the international pathway programme.
01:10 How was your path to the university of Jena? 03:40 What is the Auditor Programme? 05:30 What exactly is the „Pathway Programme“? 06:30 What kind of qualification does one need to enter the university/the pathway programme? 07:40 What are the other requirements of the pathway programme? 10:35 What are the different phases of the pathway programme? 11:50 What kind of qualification gives you the pathway programme? What do you have to bear in mind? 12:40 How does it come that the Pathway Programme was the fitting way to university for you? 14:10 Would you say that it was the right decision to study in the pathway programme?
- All Information on the International Pathway Programme: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/62051/international-pathway-programme
- Volkshochschule (VHS) Weimar: https://www.vhs-weimar.de/External link
- VHS Jena: https://www.vhs-jena.de/de/startseite/649270External link
- Consultation at the Job Office („Agentur für Arbeit“): https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/en/consultation-and-job-placementExternal link
- Auditor Programme / Occasional students at Uni Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/495/occasional-students
- Preparatory college in Thuringia: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/24350/preparatory-college-studienkolleg
- Database on admission requirements: https://www.daad.de/en/studying-in-germany/requirements/admission-database/External link
- Language requirements at Uni Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/69421/study-orientation#language
- TestAS: https://www.testas.de/en/index_en.htmExternal link
- Taster Programme/Study without Abitur for german applicants: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/54428/studying-without-a-university-entrance-qualification
- International Office contact
01:10 Who are the new students of Jena university? (summer semester 2024) 03:08 How long are you in Jena and what was your first impression? 05:17 Is it your first time at the WelcomeCafé? 06:40 How do you like it at the WelcomeCafé? 07:50 What is the WelcomeCafé? 08:35 How many students take part in it? 08:45 What are the most common questions or problems of the new students? 09:25 How do you like to active at the WelcomeCafé? 09:58 Would you recommend to visit the WelcomeCafé?
- Welcome Days at Uni Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/5395/welcome-days
- International Centre „Haus auf der Mauer“: https://www.haus-auf-der-mauer.de/External link
- Café international: https://www.instagram.com/cafe.international.jena/External link
- Events for international students: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/81092/calendar-studium-international
- Studying in Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/1905/studying-in-jena
- International Office contact
Tolybay Baltaqara is the offical ambassador of the University of Jena de in the summer semester 2024. On his blog de and on instagramExternal link he reports about his experiences as an international student in Jena.
01:25 What are you studying? 01:40 How long are you now in Jena? 01:50 Why and how did you decide to study in Jena? 02:35 What is an university’s ambassador? 03:20 What was your first impression of Germany and of the city of Jena? 03:53 What did help you preparing and starting your studies? 06:13 What was the best experience so far? 07:20 What were challanges for you and how did you deal with them? 08:00 Would you say that Jena has become your home? 08:15 What is your favorite place in Jena? 09:00 What is your favorite cafeteria/mensa? 09:42 What is your favorite library? 10:20 How did you find new friends? 11:25 What is still on your bucket list for Jena? 12:00 Do you have any advice for people who are also thinking about studying in Jena?
- Uni Jena Ranking; https://www.uni-jena.de/en/175692/international-rankings
- International Office contact
- JUBoS – university ambassador scholarship: https://www.uni-jena.de/jubos de
- Tolybay‘s Blog (german): https://www.uni-jena.de/international/studium-in-jena/gute-gruende-fuer-jena/jubos/jubos-tolybay de
- Tolybay‘s Insta-Account: https://www.instagram.com/tolvsh/External link
- Events ans Support at the Beginning of Studies:
- Orientations Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/34738/orientation-days
- Welcome Days: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/5395/welcome-days
- Welcome Buddy/Mentoring programme: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/2175/initial-support-for-international-students
- Tolybay’s epxerience with his Welcome Buddy (german): https://www.uni-jena.de/261943/welcome-buddy de
- DSH language course in Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/24355/dsh-course
- Sommerfest: https://www.sommerfest.uni-jena.de/ de
- Tolybay‘s post about it: https://www.instagram.com/p/C82WINutO8I/External link
- Dining halls ("Mensa") in Jena: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/facilities.htmlExternal link
- Tolybay‘s favorite canteen „Philomensa“: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/dining-halls/jena/mensa-philosophenweg.htmlExternal link
- University libraries in Jena: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/homeExternal link
- Tolybay‘s favorite library „Thulb“: https://www.thulb.uni-jena.de/en/thulb/standorte/arts-and-humanitiesExternal link
- Unisports Jena: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en
- Student Job portal: https://www.career.uni-jena.de/en/22/job-portal?block=body-0&dir=430&trail=34#block_body_0
Content Note: This episode tackles the topic of mental health. In case of acute psychological issues one can get free support at the telephone couselling (0800 1110111). Other counselling options are linked in the shownotes.
Clara and Mo are studying Psychology at Jena university and volunteer at the project „CampusCouch de“. This is a univerity group by students for students offering a room to talk about difficulties.
01:25 What is this „CampusCouch“? 03:55 Since when does this project exist? 04:25 What exactly are you doing as volunteers of the project? 07:20 How do you prepare? 10:08 Who can come to you and use that offer? 15:20 Does the offer does cost anything? 15:35 How to contact you and get an appointment? How is the whole process? 20:21 Is the offer only in german? 21:40 What are special needs of international students and are you prepared for it? 29:00 How do you personally like your volunteering at the CampusCouch?
- CampusCouch https://www.uni-jena.de/campuscouch de
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campuscouch/External link
- Contact: campus-couch@uni-jena.de
- Orientation Days in the beginning of the semester: https://www.uni-jena.de/34738/studieneinfuehrungstage-stet de
- Contactpoints in case of mental health problems (Free of charge):
- Telephone (and online) Counseling: https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/telefon/#telephoneExternal link
- Muslim telephone counseling: https://www.mutes.de/External link
- Russian Tелефон Доверия: https://www.diakonie-portal.de/themen/ehrenamt-freiwilligendienste/ehrenamt-und-engagement/telefon-doweria-telefon-doverija/External link
- Psychosocial counselling of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/counselling/psycho-social-counselling/External link
- Podcastfolge zur PSB : https://www.uni-jena.de/en/63217/podcast#support3
- Bei akuter Suizidalität: 112
- Information on the german health care system: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/1965/living-in-jena
- CampusCouch https://www.uni-jena.de/campuscouch de
Sylvia Canario Acosta works at the International Office, in the department for international stdents. She is responsible for the Erasmus + programmearbeitet im International Büro im Bereich Incoming für das Gaststudium. Ihr Aufgabenbereich ist das Erasmus+ Programm.
Susi Streit also works at the IO. She administers and supports all exchange students from all over the world, except the european union. She herself spent two semesters abroad. That is why she can
Course and exam administration is the field of Stefanie Müller, who is not in this podcast, but you get to know her in episode 5.
01:55 I guess that there is a lot to do in preparation for an exchange semester, right? 07:15 What happens at your preparation workshops? 09:50 What are the most important steps to do beforehand? 11:55 Where do students get support? Who can I ask in case anything in still unclear? 13:10 What should be packed in one’s lagguage? 15:10 Which initial problems might appear that can be avoided through good preparation? 17:40 What is the WelcomeBuddy programme? 18:50 What are your advice for students before they come to Jena? 21:07 What do you recommend for the very first time after arrival? 22:50 Whats are the first and most important steps after arriving in Germany?
- Information on Guest studies at University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/1955/guest-studies
- FAQ on Guest studies: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/2190/faq-guest-studies
- subject specific coordinators: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/2650/contact-and-subject-specific-coordinators
- WelcomeBuddy programme: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/2260/information-for-international-students
- Podcast episode on the WelcomeBuddy programme: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/63217/podcast#Mentoring
- Semester dates: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/220/semester-dates
- Application portal: https://friedolin2.uni-jena.de/qisserver/pages/cs/sys/portal/hisinoneStartPage.faces
- Dormitories in Jena: https://www.stw-thueringen.de/en/housing/residential-homes.htmlExternal link
- Podcast episode on accomodation: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/63217/podcast#E3housing
- Information on Financing your studies and working while studying: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/2070/financing-your-studies
- Podcast episode on this topic: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/63217/podcast#Financing
- Study start and Enrolment: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/1960/start-studying-international-students
- Podcast Episode on enrolment: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/63217/podcast#Enrolment
- WelcomeDays and WelcomeCafe: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/5395/welcome-days
- Course catalogue: https://friedolin.uni-jena.de/qisserver/rds?state=wtree&search=1&category=veranstaltung.browse&navigationPosition=functions%2Clectureindex&breadcrumb=lectureindex&topitem=locallinks&subitem=lectureindex&noDBAction=y&init=yExternal link
- Unisport Jena: https://www.hochschulsport.uni-jena.de/en
- City of Jena: https://startseite.jena.de/enExternal link
- Social Media
- University of Jena: @unijena
- Unisports Jena: @unisport_jena
- City of Jena: @jenalichtstadt
- Group "Toegther in Jena": @together.in.jena
- International Office contact
- Information on Guest studies at University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/1955/guest-studies
Susi's Tips
- Organize your e-mails and documents in one folder
- Read e-mails including the attachments
- Take part in the praparation workshops
- Get a WelcomeBuddy
- Learn and practise german language
- Connect with former exchange students (take care that all infos are up to date!)
- Network with other exchange students
- Plan your travel and mind the semester dates
- Check the validity of your passport
- Apply for a place in a dormitoryExternal link
- Organize your helath insurance in time
- Be open to get in contact with people
Concept: Fleur Frenk, Laura Kaden/Internationales Büro; Format: MP3; Produktion und Schnitt: Multimedia Centre de of the University of Jena; Musik: Audiohub.