
News on the sustainable development of the University of Jena

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  1. The new team of the Green Office: (from right) Laura Brock, PD Dr. Thomas Heller und Claudia Hilbert.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  2. Water analysed at the Jena waste water treatment plant. The "KontiMonit" project will be presented at the "Week of the Environment" in the park of Bellevue Palace.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  3. Uwe Hoßfeld (left) and Karl Porges with one of the publications on the Jena Declaration.
    Image: Enrico Sobetzko
  4. Fahrradreparaturtag am Campus Ernst-Abbe-Platz am 6.5.2024
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
  5. Titelbild der Ausschreibung Lehrarchitektur - Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
    Image: Screenshot Titelbild der Webseite Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  6. Head of the study, Prof. Dr Gianni Panagiotou is Professor of Microbiome Dynamics in the "Balance of the Microverse" Cluster of Excellence at the University of Jena.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  7. Mayor and head of department Christian Gerlitz introduces the topic and explains the background to the project and the funding.
    Image: Stadt Jena
  8. Prof. Dr Dirk Hoffmeister at the Institute of Pharmacy at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  9. The new junior professor of Inorganic Chemistry Andrea Pannwitz.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  10. Farmers protest against government policy.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  11. Wild-type strains of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in liquid culture.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  12. Equality between women and men – that is the aim of the University of Jena.
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
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