
News on the sustainable development of the University of Jena

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  1. Franziska Neugebauer (left) from the IHK Ostthüringen zu Gera presents President Andreas Marx (centre) and Claudia Hilbert (right) from the Green Office with the certificate of participation in NAThüringen.
    Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
  2. Illustration for the #climatechallenge - Transformative educational programme for effective climate protection
    Illustration: Germanwatch e.V. | Illustration: Holly McKelvey
  3. One hand holds a megaphone from which various symbols associated with sustainability are emitted.
    Image: Adobe Stock, Katsyarina
  4. The new core research building in Leipzig.
    Image: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
  5. Students and employees of the University of Jena are on bicycles on the Ernst-Abbe-Platz campus
    Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
  6. At the Science Slam, scientists present their field of research in an entertaining way.
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  7. OKNB initiative comes to Jena on 13 August 2024
    Image: ADFC Jena-Saaletal
  8. Logo Jenarad
    Image: Fabian Monheim
  9. The new team of the Green Office: (from right) Laura Brock, PD Dr. Thomas Heller und Claudia Hilbert.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  10. Water analysed at the Jena waste water treatment plant. The "KontiMonit" project will be presented at the "Week of the Environment" in the park of Bellevue Palace.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  11. Uwe Hoßfeld (left) and Karl Porges with one of the publications on the Jena Declaration.
    Image: Enrico Sobetzko
  12. Fahrradreparaturtag am Campus Ernst-Abbe-Platz am 6.5.2024
    Image: Claudia Hilbert/Universität Jena
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