The standard way to apply for a job
The conventional career start process usually starts by sending an application to a job advertisement or an application you send on your own initiative. If everything goes smoothly, you are invited to a job interview first and, finally, you to sign a contract of employment. When the stressful phase of the application process is over, you face a new challenge: the first few days in your new or first job. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, we have collected some tips on this type of career start below.
Of course, you can start your careers by taking up an internship, a traineeship, or a pre-placement position, for example, for future teachers and lawyers, or by gaining a license for specific occupations, e.g. for doctors. For more information, refer to the Special Career Start section.
Other career options might be also academic careers or starting your own business.
For all questions on application process, please contact our Career Point team who will be glad to assist you with its wide range of advisory services and workshops.
Job search
When searching for a suitable job, you should search for as much information and vacancies as possible first. You might use metasearch engines. These allow you to find a wide range of job vacancies quickly using suitable search terms or filters. In spite of their advantages, you should not rely on the algorithm of the search engine completely. You should also look for specialized networks of particular industries as well as for trade associations, and chambers of commerce.
Sometimes, it can also be worthwhile taking a closer look at career websites of specific companies and institutions, for example:
JenaWirtschaft (Jena Business Development) External linkprovides an overviewExternal link of Jena’s industry sectors and companies. In addition, the Jena job portalExternal link lists all current job vacancies in the region.
The Thuringian Agency for Recruiting Skilled Personnel (ThAFF)External link maintains a company database for Thuringia.
Have you already searcher for a job using our job portalExternal link?
This is perhaps the most important step to start an internship or a job. For potential employers, it is not just your professional qualifications that count, but also the way you present yourself, your skills, and knowledge you already possess. The greater the competition for an internship or a vacancy, the more convincing your application documents have to be.
The key to success is your preparation. This includes you finding out as much relevant information as possible, both about your potential employer and the application itself.
Job interview
You should be well-prepared for job interviews – both your appearance and your knowledge to convince the potential employer of your credibility and to gain the information that you require for yourself and your decision. In addition to the respect for the opposite site and for yourself, you should remain genuine.
Contract of employment
A contract of employment is an agreement between the employer and the employee in order to establish an employment relationship. The contract determines the start date of employment, its duration, and its end date. It also contains information on the performance, remuneration, and additional duties. The employer and the employee can freely negotiate the provisions of the contract of employment, however, they must follow the legal provisions.
A special contract of employment applies to civil servants who are people appointed to their positions in the public sector. Civil servants can neither terminate their employment nor have it terminated, but can be dismissed upon formal request. Basic information on civil servants in GermanyExternal link.
Career start
If you have overcome the hurdles of the application and the job interview, and you have signed the contract of employment, you still have to face the actual trial period, however. The first step is always the hardest. When you change the university for your first job, you have to learn the rules of the labour market. Ask for information in your private and working environment and use it constructively.
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