Completed projects
2020 Project Automatic Lecture Recording
Introduction OPENCAST
The open source project Opencast is a scalable solution for the entire lecture recording and distribution process, including a scheduler for automatic recordings and workflow managers. In the second development stage, the connection to the LMS system Friedolin, the e-learning software Moodle and the Digital Library of Thuringia is planned. This will enable the MMZ's limited human resources to reach significantly more users.
Camera tracking
VST GmbH Saalfeld and the Multimedia Centre (MMZ) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena are working together on the Automatic Lecture Recording project. The aim of the project is a recording system for events in which the cameras are automatically guided depending on the movement of the participants. This system is intended to make it possible to record lectures without the need for staff support. A corresponding lecture theatre was equipped with a development system.
2019-2020 Health project "Bewegt studieren - Studieren bewegt"
The Multimedia Centre supports University Sports in the development of a web-based online platform for the individual use of an active break design in the form of short videos as part of the student health project "Bewegt studieren - Studieren bewegt".
2014-2018 Study check project
As part of the project "Online-Studiencheck"
project (http://www.studiencheck.uni-jena.de/), an online portal is being created to provide school leavers and prospective students with concrete information on the respective degree programme.
The film sequences feature students, alumni and professors who explain the advantages and difficulties of the respective degree programme from their point of view and are thus intended to provide orientation.
The Multimedia Centre is responsible for the technical implementation. All interview partners are filmed in our studio in front of a "green screen" background. Both individual interviews and discussion rounds with up to 4 people are realised as part of the online study check.
2017-2018 Cooperation project "Visualisation of high-voltage discharges in air"
In April 2017, the Multimedia Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, in cooperation with the Institute for Electrical Power Supply and High Voltage Technology at the Technical University of Dresden, launched the project for the visual and acoustic recording of high-voltage discharges.
Pre-discharges of a tip-plate arrangement in air are visualised in both the visible and ultraviolet (subject) area|field at DC and AC voltages. In addition to the time-synchronised display of the voltmeter, the acoustic emissions of the discharges are also recorded. The results will be used in the lecture "High Voltage and High Current Technology". The recordings take place in the high-voltage laboratory at TU Dresden and are supervised by the technical and scientific staff of the Institute of Electrical Power Supply and High Voltage Technology/ Professorship of High Voltage and High Current Technology.2018 Image film about the vocational training opportunities at the FSU Jena
There are various vocational training opportunities at the FSU Jena, which students can find out about in the image film. The film was shown at the opening ceremony of the FSU Jena.
2018 Database of the Jena collection of X-ray videographic film documents
In recent years, a collection of X-ray films from systematic zoology has been transferred to a publicly accessible database in a joint project by the ThULB. The Multimedia Centre and the University Computer Centre provided support right from the start in finding a suitable codec and in converting and storing the large amounts of data (over 50,000 X-ray films).
2018 Database "easydb" of the art history seminar
The Multimedia Centre supported the technical maintenance of the database "easydb".
2018 - Jena Poetry Talks
The aim of the Jena Poetry Talks is to discover and promote young poets who are still unknown to the general public. The young authors are invited to Jena for a public reading followed by a moderated discussion. The Multimedia Centre will accompany this project with a camera.
2017 - Cumulus image database
The Cumulus image database de was provided as a service for the FSU in 2017 under the direction of the Multimedia Centre.
2017 - Biofermenter promotional film
For the special exhibition "Scent Traces - the Chemical Language of Nature" at the Phyletic Museum JenaExternal link, the Multimedia Centre of the FSU Jena produced a promotional filmExternal link about fermenters in cooperation with the Hans Knöll Institute and the DFG collaborative research centres ChemBioSys.
2017 - Project SHARMED - Shared Memories and Dialogues - film accompaniment by the Multimedia Centre
SHARMEDExternal link is an Erasmus+ project and is co-funded by the European Commission's " Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency". The project is coordinated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT) in close cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (GER) and the University Campus Suffolk (GB).
This is a project to provide new learning and teaching experiences in multicultural classrooms. At Friedrich Schiller University, the Intercultural Business Communication department is involved.
Recording teams from the Multimedia Centre are filming the classrooms in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt and supporting the researchers in indexing and editing the video material.2017 - Creation of an image filmExternal link about the traineeship "Industrial mechanic" at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
2016-2017 - Creation of an animated filmExternal link for the Thuringian University and State Library Jena about the library system KOHA
2015-2017 - Digitisation of historical audio recordings from the Rudolstadt State Archives
2015-2018 - Creation of an image film for Romance studiesExternal link
2012-2015 - Joint project State Archives Weimar / Multimedia Centre "Audio digitisation and processing of historical speeches"
2015 - Image filmExternal link Biogeosciences Laacher See
2015 - Image film of the Jena Children's University
2014 - Creation of an image film "Inscription boardsof the united cathedral foundations"
2014 - Film project image filmExternal link "The Multimedia Centre"
2014 - ImageExternal linkfilm project "Training programme for digital and print media designers"
2013/2014 - Film project video vignettes
The FSU Jena's (university) chair of Business and Economics Education has created 4 video vignettes showing typical training situations in vocational training. These can be used in the training of students as well as in qualification projects for those involved in company training processes.
The scripts were converted into 4 short films ("Videovignettes") by the trainees in the Multimedia Centre. (Camera/editing: Frank Reißmann, sound assistant: Sven Molke )
2013 Film project - sound installations External link
2013 MMZ accompanies INFLUINS project
INFLUINS is a major research project investigating the movement of fluids, i.e. liquids and gases, underground. The focus ranges from the uppermost soil horizons to aquifers several kilometres below the surface. A total of 12 sub-projects will provide insights into the fluids and the differently permeable rocks in the subsurface.
The MMZ accompanied the team of researchers during important explorations and produced an audiovisual documentation.
The film will document the work of the researchers and technicians and show many details about the complex explorations. Important key points were a helicopter flight in the Thuringian Basin with a probe and the deep drilling near Erfurt.2013 - Media technology equipment for the large physics lecture theatre at Max-Wien-Platz
2013 - Image film "Research results in biochemistry" External link
2012 - 2013 - Image film "Training media designer for image & sound" at the FSUExternal link Jena
2010 - 2012 - Digitisation of 16 mm films from the Carl Zeiss Archive Jena
In October 2010, Carl Zeiss AG and Friedrich Schiller University Jena signed a contract for scientific and technical cooperation.
In this joint project, the holdings of 16mm films from the Carl Zeiss AG archive will be digitised in the Multimedia Centre of the FSU Jena. Particular emphasis will be placed on original and unadulterated data transfer in order to preserve the historical character of the objects. The digitisation should enable two different qualities so that certain film sequences can be accessed in a streamable format on the WWW. For the planned long-term digital archiving, a high-quality version is to be stored on appropriate data carriers. As part of the project, an analysis of the current possibilities of digital long-term archiving will also be carried out.
This work will then serve as the basis for the further archiving of the digitised material.
2012 - Project Digital recording and management of video data in the Psychology Therapy Centre
The Multimedia Centre supervised the planning and equipping of 10 individual therapy rooms in the Institute of Psychology with a video recording system.
2011 - 2012 - Film project - "Active fathers in science and business" External linka joint project with the University of Tübingen
2010 - 2011 Creation of an - image film of the institutions of higher education in ThuringiaExternal link
2009 - 2014 - Digitisation of historical 16 mm films - Multimedia Centre / THULB / Thuringian State Archives joint project
In a joint project between the Thuringian University and State Library, the Thuringian State Archives and the Multimedia Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, several hundred 16 mm films were digitised.
The aim of this project was to digitise the existing film stock and make the historical material available on the Internet. All films for which the copyrights have been cleared are made available on the Internet as video on demand. This option makes the existing historical documents available to a wide range of users. The objects are not tendered for download. In addition to the streaming version, a high-quality version of the scanned films is also available for scientific purposes. This can be requested from the relevant state archive if required. It was realised that the films were scanned in their original version. Post-processing of sound and image should be avoided as far as possible in the original version in order to preserve the character of these historical documents. However, a higher-quality and thus post-processed version can be created at any time for later and further work.
2009 - 2013 - Cooperation project "German for Beginners online" in collaboration with the Language Centre of Bielefeld University
2008 - Project "Digitalised psychotherapy relapse prevention for depression"
As part of the therapy study Combined Cognitive-Behavioural and Pharmacological Continuation and Maintenance Treatment of Recurrent Depression (DFG: STA 512/5-1), the therapy sessions of the treatment conditions (psychoeducation vs. cognitive therapy) were recorded with a video or DVD camera. The material will later be used to analyse questions such as manual fidelity and therapeutic competence. As these questions are relevant for main and secondary publications, it is necessary to archive and analyse the extensive data material over a longer period of time (approx. 10 years). The Digitised Psychotherapy - Relapse Prevention in Depression project aims to do just that and to enable the project team to store and access the data in a video database (based on MyCoRe).
2007 - 2008 - HELIX Security Manager
The archive system for digital documents at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is the Digital Library of Thuringia(www.db-thueringen.de)External link. The DBT has its own user administration with which documents are protected that are only intended for internal teaching use. These can be, for example, Medicine videos whose unrestricted publication violates personal rights or video recordings of television programmes or DVDs to which the university or the authors have no copyright usage rights.
This protection mechanism previously only applied to the documents and not to the complete content contained therein (e.g. videos). As soon as a user has the URL, they can access the content without DBT and therefore without protection. To prevent this for the streaming server (Helix Universal Server), Real NetworksExternal link has developed the Helix Security Manager.
2005 - 2008 - German for Beginners Online - German for Beginners Online
2005 - Introduction of eLearning systems at the FSU Jena
2004 - Lecture on demand
As part of a pilot project at the University Computer Centre, several lecture series, congresses and workshops at FSU Jena have been recorded over the last two years and made available via a streaming server. The associated metadata is stored in the FSU Jena's digital libraryExternal link. These events can be accessed on the internet at any time. The streaming system in connection with the digital library is the result of a DFG project, which was carried out by the computer centres and the libraries of the universities of Essen and Jena.
The recorded course|classes are accessed extensively by FSU students, but also by other interested persons worldwide. The access figures of more than 60,000 in the last two years prove this. Students use this tender for the preparation and follow-up work|follow-up activity of course|classes as well as for exam preparation.
2001 - 2003 - Video server
The aim of the project was to set up a distributed digital library with a particular focus on audiovisual resources. Two aspects were of particular importance:
1. the digital libraries of Jena and Essen available for the interactive support of studies and teaching should be able to be used transparently and jointly from both locations and from the Internet under a uniform interface.
2. the use of audio and video resources is to be significantly improved in terms of quantity and quality. While video and sound documents can only be stored and played as a whole, the aim is now to enable thematically orientated access to individual parts and their use in a new context. To this end, the position of scene changes will be automatically recognised using existing methods, a partial image representative of the scene will be extracted and a visual overview of the scenes in a video (storyboard) will be generated. On the other hand, the audio stream is analysed and indexed with the help of speech recognition, thus opening up further access options. Finally, video streams are to be automatically provided in different qualities in accordance with the bandwidth requirements of the respective users.
2000 Graphics transmission in the teleteaching system
Teleteaching has been offered at the URZ since 1997. This means: transmission
of lectures or events of general interest from one lecture theatre
to another (e.g. in another city). Some of these events can also be followed
also be followed on the Internet (via video server).1998 - 2000 - Teleseminar pdf, 342 kb · de
1998 - 2001 - Telemed-Systems
Application of teleteaching technology in Medicine
(1st expansion stage 1998/99)Historically, operations have always been carried out in the lecture theatre. At that time, every doctor and student could take part. Today, however, with increasing hygiene awareness and ever smaller incisions, hardly any student has the opportunity to witness certain operations live. If a student is nevertheless at the operating table, the insights are often denied, as the actual operating area is very narrow or deep. In the (subject) area|field of minimally invasive surgery and in Neurology, only the surgeon is able to see directly into the operating theatre. However, the video technology used in the operating theatre equipment generates a video signal that is displayed on a monitor. This signal was used for the live transmission of the operation into the lecture theatre.
The most important problem, however, is a very good transmission quality in order to recognise|to credit all details of the operation in the lecture theatre on the media wall.
The telemedicine project being worked on at the Friedrich Schiller University computer centre implements all these functions and also allows the lecturer to communicate directly with the surgeon.This means that operations can be followed in the lecture theatre or transmitted to other universities and clinical departments.
1996 - 1998 - Teleteaching
A room was created in the computer centre for the primary use of teleservices and lectures in teleteaching mode.