Guidance for a start in a special career
You can start off your career as an intern, trainee, by obtaining a specific license (e.g. in medicine), or by completing a pre-placement if you want to become a teacher or a lawyer. Click on categories below, to learn more about this career start options.
You might also read more about an academic career or starting up a new business.
By choosing one of these types of career path, you must still be prepared for application process, job interviews as well as on coming to grips with everyday working life. That is why we recommend you to take a look at our tips and basic information.
To be granted a license to work as a doctor, dentist, psychotherapist or a pharmacist in Germany, you must gain a special nationwide license. If you need specific information on the requirements in Thuringia, please contact the State Examination Office for Academic Health Professions.External link
Jena University Hospital (JUH) as well as the related faculties also offer extensive information on studying human medicineExternal link, dentistryExternal link, pharmacyExternal link as well as psychotherapy de.
What are the main advantages of an internship?
- You can prove yourself a reliable employer to a potential employer.
- During your internship, you can gain an insight into a specific company or field of work.
- You can develop your personality.
- Last but not least, you can specify your career goals.
While looking for an internship, you should find information about your employer and the vacancy in which you are interested. You can, for example, search for internships using our job portalExternal link. For more information, please refer to the information on internships in Germany and abroad de.
As a trainee, you are employed in a company or an institution in various areas or departments. You can participate in continuing education and network events, can evolve into a junior staff member for diverse business operations. Often, this kind of training is part of a trainee programme which may last up to two years.
For current opportunities, please visit our job portalExternal link, the Jena job portalExternal link and career websites of companies.
In Germany, there are special training programmes for young people aspiring to careers in journalism (“Volontariat”). This is a fixed-term education programme within an institution which prepares for a specific career in journalism and other creative industries, but also in charitable, commercial, or public administration institutions. Depending on specific programmes, educational background, and suitability, this trainee programme can last up to two years.
Training programmes
Practical training for teachers
Teacher training programmes also include a practical phase which should must be completed in the pre-placement service period (“Referendariat”). Future teachers must complete the practical phase of the teacher at the specific type of school for which they want to specialize (e.g “Gymnasium”). To complete their practical phase successfully, candidates must pass the second state examination.
Practical training for lawyers
In Germany, the practical training for lawyers (“Rechtsreferendariat”) completes by passing the second state examination. For comprehensive information on the procedure in Thuringia, please refer to the website of the State Examination Office and of the Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice, And Consumer Protection, the latter being responsible for appointments.
Practical training for theologians
Those who have a degree in theology and want to work as a pastor must pass a practical training (“Vikariat”) to be authorized to conduct religious ceremonies. The training involves a two-and-a-half year work in the religious community and the corresponding school. For more information, please refer to the Protestant Church in Central GermanyExternal link and to the Protestant Church in GermanyExternal link.
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07743 Jena
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