First aid for mental health
Graphic: MHFAIf you have been feeling mentally unwell, depressed or emotionally vulnerable for some time, if you suffer from persistent stress or have the feeling of being burnt out, the University's Mental Health First Aid team is there for you. Here you can find a first point of contact quickly and easily.
Psycho-social counselling
Psycho-social counselling (PSB)External link is available free of charge to all those students and enrolled doctoral researchers at Thuringia's universities, who feel the need to talk to a neutral person about themselves, their situation and their problems and to receive further support. The counselling is also offered in English.
Psychological and medical help
Outpatient Psychotherapy Building
Image: WPPThere are a number of medicalExternal link and psychological psychotherapistsExternal link in and around Jena whom you can contact directly. As a first step towards receiving help, you can also address your problems with your general practicioner, who will clarify further steps with you.
There is an outpatient clinic for psychotherapy de at the university. Even though the website is not available in English, you can find English-speaking contact persons there.
In addition, you can find a list of medical practicioners with foreign language skills herepdf, 506 kb · de.
Consulting in cases of conflicts
Two conflict parties and a mediator
Image: istockphoto.com/Andrii_YalanskyiFor an initial consultation in cases of conflict, feel encouraged to contact the individual doctoral counselling service of the Graduate Academy. There, you will also find the ombudsman's office, which can help with conflicts between doctoral researchers and their supervisors. For conflicts concerning good scientific practice and scientific misconduct, the first port of call will be the university's confidants' office.
If you are in need of general conflict moderation or mediation, you can contact the Human Resources Development Department.
Further contact persons for conflict mediation can also be found in the Staff Council de, the Equal Opportunities Office and the Diversity Office.
Addiction prevention and help
The working group on addiction prevention and help de is the contact for employees with their questions on all aspects related to addiction. There you will also find a list of other contact addresses in Jena.