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Political Science

How are laws made? What influence does the UN have? Why do wars happen? And what does peace actually mean? If you find these questions interesting, you have come to the right place!
Symbolic image for global connections
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Key facts
Bachelor of Arts
Supplement to degree
major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Admission restriction
without admission restriction (without NC)
6 Semesters
Teaching language
Tuition fee
Semester contribution
€ 272,65
Start of studies
Winter semester
Part-time possible
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Institute of Political Science
Application & Deadlines

Programme content

Is there hardly a day in which you don't check the latest news from the world of politics on your smartphone? Do you also miss very few live broadcasts of the Bundestag debates in the media? Olaf Scholz, Bodo Ramelow or Xi Jinping are not just mere names to you either? If so, you can deepen your passion in the Bachelor's programme ‘Political Science’. You will be taught the subject-specific basics for analysing and explaining political action and events (e.g. elections or demonstrations) at the University of Jena. Politics is interdisciplinary which is why it has many overlaps with subjects such as economics, law or philosophy.

In order to understand events and interactions as a whole and to make interrelations transparent, you have no choice but to read books and (English) specialist articles during. Good mathematical skills are also an advantage, especially for statistical analyses. But you will also leave the lecture theatre from time to time. A variety of excursions, such as to Brussels, Strasbourg and Berlin, or current events on German and international politics will give you an insight into practice. Especially in times of increasing disillusionment with politics and populism, curious experts like you are more important than ever. 

Irena and Marcel, two students of Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, offer an insight into the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome


major subject

Graphic: Sophie Bartholome

The bachelor's degree is the first professional qualification. The standard period of study is six semesters, during which various forms of courses (e.g. lectures, seminars or practical courses) are offered for the individual modules.

A multi-subject bachelor’s programme consists of a major subject with 120 credit points (CP for short; 1 CP = 30 hours for attendance, preparation and follow-up work, private study, assessed coursework and examinations) and a minor subject with 60 CP.

The study programme in the major subject ‘Political Science’ comprises 13 modules These include eight compulsory modules (75 CP) and five required elective modules (45 CP). You can combine the major subject with any of the minor subjects offered at the University In addition, you can set your own focus during your studies and study certain topics in greater depth.

How might your degree programme shape up?

The following table shows the possible structure of your studies in ‘Political Science’:

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester 5th semester 6th semester
Introduction to Political Science
(5 CP)


Political Theory and the History of Political Thought
(10 CP)
Comparative Government
(10 CP)
Foreign Policy and International Relations
(10 CP)
Specialization module of your own choice* (10 CP) Specialization module of your own choice* (10 CP)
Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany
(10 CP)
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
(15 CP)
European Studies / International Organizations
(15 CP)
(10 CP)
Bachelor thesis
(10 CP)
Techniques of Scientific Working
(5 CP)

Abbreviations: CP = credit points

* You can choose from the following specialization modules: Political Systems, Political Theory and the History of Political Thought, Comparative Government, Foreign Policy and International Relations as well as European Studies.

More detailed information can be found in the module catalogue for the study programme [in German]External link.

Why study in Jena?

Franziska Martha Nolte

Image: Sophie Bartholome

The study programme provides very good basic and methodological training in the first semesters. Thanks to the small lecture and seminar sizes, there are many opportunities to talk to the lecturers, clear up any ambiguities and discuss improbable scenarios.

Franziska Martha Nolte, Political Science student
at Friedrich Schiller University Jena

  • Wide range of topics: During your studies, you can set your own focus and study the topics that really interest you.
  • Excellent teaching: Are you looking for personal supervision, work in small seminar groups, modern and interactive seminar forms, action-oriented projects and a variety of excursions? If so, the Institute of Political ScienceExternal link at the University of Jena is the right choice for you.
  • High practical component: The programme in Political Science in Jena is oriented towards the promotion of skills that prepare you for the labour market. Through a variety of topical events, we also keep you in close touch with German and international politics and practice.
  • International orientation: The Institute of Political ScienceExternal link maintains ties with many international universities and exchange programmesExternal link. You sit in seminars with international students, can study abroad and enhance your foreign language skills.

A look behind the scenes

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What can you do after your studies?

Areas of employment for graduates

Student interviewing someone

Image: Designed by wavebreakmedia_micro /
  • private sector (e.g. HR management, marketing ,sales)
  • media and journalism
  • political parties and associations
  • civil society, religious, development and international organizations
  • public administration
  • political consulting
  • political education

Postgraduate master’s programmes at our University

  1. Applied Ethics and Conflict Management Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  2. Education ‐ Culture ‐ Anthropology Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  3. Political Communication Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  4. Political Science Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  5. Social Theory Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  6. Sociology Master of Arts
    • Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
All degree programmes

What are we looking for in prospective students?

  • willingness and ability to critically engage with one’s social, political, and cultural environment
  • basic understanding of and special interest in issues of political science
  • good verbal expression and argumentation skills
  • good command of English
  • analytical thinking
  • methodological confidence in text analysis and interpretation

Admission requirements

  • University entrance qualification

    A university entrance qualification, such as a general secondary school leaving certificate, is required for admission onto the study programme.

    More information on university entrance qualifications can be found here.

  • Language requirements

    English and another modern foreign language; proof to be submitted by the time the bachelor thesis is registered.

    sufficient reading comprehension in English to participate in advanced modules (POL 310–351).

    Admission and language requirements for applicants of foreign nationality and without German Abitur:


Academic Office for Student Affairs and Examinations (ASPA)

Telephone hours:
Mondays and Fridays (9:00 – 11:00)
Wednesdays (13:00 – 15:00)

The ASPA is primarily responsible for students in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and the Faculty of Theology.

Central Student Advisory Service

Office hours:
We offer consultations in person, by telephone, and via Zoom. You can make an appointment by calling us on +49 3641 9-411111 (Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 to 11:00) or outside these office hours on +49 3641 9-411200. You can also use our remote help desk.

Consultation hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (9:00 to 12:20), Tuesdays (14:00 to 18:00), and Wednesdays and Thursdays (14:00 to 16:00).

Video chat: To the video chat – Zoom Videochat ZeitenMondays to Fridays (12:30 to 13:00) Password ZSB2020 Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb

Student Service Centre

Opening hours:
Mondays (10:00 – 12:00)
Tuesdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Wednesdays (10:00 – 12:00)
Thursdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Fridays (10:00 – 12:00)

You can also use our remote help desk at
or send us your enquiries by post.

Telephone hours:
Mondays to Fridays
(9:00 – 11:00)

Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
07737 Jena

International Office - International students

University Main Building
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link