cell samples


What complex transformations create nice smells when baking? How exactly do detergents work? And how is energy generated from waste? If you are interested in these questions, this is the programme for you!
cell samples
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
Key facts
Bachelor of Science
Admission restriction
without admission restriction (without NC)
6 Semesters
Teaching language
Tuition fee
Semester contribution
€ 272,65
Start of studies
Winter semester
Part-time possible
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Institutes of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Application & Deadlines

Programme content

Loud bangs, strange smells and bubbling concoctions? Long lab coats, thick gloves and large safety goggles? All those things might be associated with chemistry, but there is much more to it than that! Many everyday items like touchscreens, LED lighting and heat patches would be simply impossible without this field of science. It will also play a crucial role in overcoming future challenges, such as ensuring energy supplies, protecting the environment and combatting diseases.

Chemistry is the study of the structure, behaviour and transformation of materials and their laws. The three most important sub-disciplines are organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Students at the University of Jena also take courses in technical and analytical chemistry.

The bachelor’s programme offers you broad basic training, where you will learn about the structure and synthesis of materials and the safe handling of chemicals—including practical work in the laboratory from the very first semester onwards!

placeholder image — Screenshot

Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Digital discovery tour with free app: Would you like to find out more about our degree in Chemistry with fun quiz questions and puzzles? Click here for our interactive discovery tour app [in German].


The bachelor's degree is the first professional qualification. The standard period of study is a total of six semesters, during which various forms of courses (e.g. seminars, lectures or practical courses) are offered for the individual modules.

If you take a single-subject bachelor’s programme in ‘Chemistry’, your field of study will comprise 180 credits (ECTS for short; 1 ECTS = 30 hours for attendance, preparation and follow-up work, private study, assessed coursework and examinations).

We also offer optional preparation courses in mathematics and chemistry before the lecture period to ease you into the programme.

How might your degree programme shape up?

Modules  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
General Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry 15 ECTS 13 ECTS 3 ECTS 9 ECTS    
Organic Chemistry 8 ECTS 13 ECTS 10 ECTS 4 ECTS  
Physical Chemistry   7 ECTS 9 ECTS 11 ECTS 9 ECTS  
Analytical Chemistry     5 ECTS   6 ECTS 2 ECTS
Technical Chemistry       8 ECTS 4 ECTS
Required elective module*         5 ECTS 5 ECTS
Physics 8 ECTS        
Mathematical Methods
for Chemists
7 ECTS        
Toxicology   2 ECTS        
Project Module           5 ECTS
Bachelor’s Thesis           12 ECTS

Short form: ECTS = credit points (European Credit Transfer System)

* The following elective modules are offered: Bioinorganic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Glasses / Chemistry of Materials, Macromolecular Chemistry, Specific Analytical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry / Quantum Chemistry I + II, Environmental Chemistry I + II.

More detailed information can be found in the module catalogue for the study programme [in German]External link.

Why study in Jena?

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Jena offers students a unique environment with diverse specialization opportunities. Our institutes have established close networks with non-university research institutions—unlike at any other university in Germany—which means our programmes also deal with the latest findings.

Prof. Dr Jürgen Popp, Professor of Physical Chemistry

A look behind the scenes

  • Laborarbeit
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    The perfect mix of theory and practice!

    Practical lessons in the laboratory will be a permanent fixture right from the start of your course. You will learn how to handle chemicals and laboratory equipment, and you will also be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in your lectures.

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What can you do after your studies?

Areas of employment for graduates


Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • industrial research: developing new products and improving existing processes
  • production: monitoring production as a manager (e.g. deadlines, costs, quality and compliance with environmental and safety regulations)
  • chemical analysis and quality control: analysing raw materials and products
  • patenting: protecting research results and monitoring the commercial use of inventions
  • marketing and sales: calculating production volumes and prices, advertising and selling new products, advising potential customers
  • authorities and administration: researching, monitoring, working in laboratories 

Postgraduate master’s programmes at our University

  1. Chemical Biology Master of Science
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
  2. Chemistry Master of Science
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
  3. Chemistry - Energy - Environment Master of Science
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
  4. Chemistry of Materials Master of Science
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
All degree programmes

What are we looking for in prospective students?

  • good school knowledge of chemistry, physics and mathematics
  • an understanding of scientific concepts
  • enjoyment of laboratory work and experiments
  • an interest in chemical processes and issues

Admission requirements

  • University entrance qualification

    A university entrance qualification, such as a general secondary school leaving certificate, is required for admission onto the study programme.

    More information on university entrance qualifications can be found here.

  • Language requirements

    The study programme is taught in German. You must therefore have a very good command of German at the start of the study programme. Proficiency in English is required.


Academic Advisor — Dr Kristina Dubnack
Examinations Office of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Central Student Advisory Service

Office hours:
We offer consultations in person, by telephone, and via Zoom. You can make an appointment by calling us on +49 3641 9-411111 (Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 to 11:00) or outside these office hours on +49 3641 9-411200. You can also use our remote help desk.

Consultation hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (9:00 to 12:20), Tuesdays (14:00 to 18:00), and Wednesdays and Thursdays (14:00 to 16:00).

Video chat: To the video chat – Zoom Videochat ZeitenMondays to Fridays (12:30 to 13:00) Password ZSB2020 Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb

Student Service Centre

Opening hours:
Mondays (10:00 – 12:00)
Tuesdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Wednesdays (10:00 – 12:00)
Thursdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Fridays (10:00 – 12:00)

You can also use our remote help desk at
or send us your enquiries by post.

Telephone hours:
Mondays to Fridays
(9:00 – 11:00)

Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
07737 Jena

International Office - International students

University Main Building
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link