ERDF funding: university networking in Thuringia
Image: EFRE (Europa für Thüringen)A revised contract between the German Research Network Association (DFN) and the state of Thuringia has been in force since 01/2016 with the aim of providing all institutions of higher education in the state with fast internet access. As of 07/2017, this contract was extended so that the following 10 facilities|institution|(structural) units can participate in the joint programme (in alphabetical order)
- Bauhaus University Weimar,
- Duale Hochschule Gera-Eisenach,
- Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena,
- University of Applied Sciences Erfurt,
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
- Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar,
- Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences,
- Institution of higher education Schmalkalden,
- Ilmenau University of Technology,
- University of Erfurt
In addition to these contractual changes, funds for technical support were applied for as part of the 2016 HSB 0005: "XWIN-Router Thueringen" project. The funds decision from the TMWWDG to finance this router infrastructure was made in 09/2016 using the ERDF in the 2014-2020 funding period /furtherinformation on ERDF in ThuringiaExternal link)
The procurement phase took place from 10/2016 until delivery in 05/2017. The commissioning phase of this router technology, which will equip Thuringia's institutions of higher education for the fast DFN network XWIN (Extended Science Information Network), has been running since 05/2017. This will also continuously improve the infrastructural requirements for joint ongoing and new research projects.