Keep up to date on events and announcements for (international) students in Jena.
Alls Students of Friedrich-Schiller-Universität are cordially invited.
You can also explore other events of the International Office de and the University de in general.
Do you have any event information that you would like us to include? Please write to international@uni-jena.de.
Events are listed here only if they are offered bilingually. Events only offered in German are listed in the German version de of this calendar.
The key symbol signifies that an event is not public and reaquires registration.
The time given refers to the Middle European Time ZoneExternal link (Berlin).
The respective organizers are responsible for the events we list here.
For digital events please not our notice on data protectionpdf, 101 kb about webmeetings.
Election to the Jena Migration Advisory Council
- Andere/Other
- Ausschreibung/Call
International students and affiliates of the University of Jena: please take part in the election of your representative body in the city of Jena!
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
The Language Center
10:00 ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
- Workshop/Vortrag/lecture
presents information about its language courses, esp. German as a Foreign Language, course formats and costs, registration. Everyone interested is welcome.
- online
- public
- barrier-free
WelcomeCafé at the International Centre
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Informations about study start for international students
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
WelcomeCafé: Welcome to Jena - Tips for your free time activities
15:30 ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Information event for new students: Small ‘survival training’ for everyday life in Jena
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
Commitment Scholarship: apply now!
- Ausschreibung/Call
Are you an international student? Are you engaged in social commitment inside the University? Please apply for the Commitment Scholarship of the DAAD!
- presence
- barrier-free
WelcomeCafé: Search for a room (Living)
15:30 ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Information event for international students
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
20:00 ·
- Studierendengruppe/student group
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Erasmus Student Network: regelmäßiges Treffen mit ESN- Mitgliedern, offen für alle. Great opportunity to meet fellow internationals in an open environment!
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
Intercultural meeting place: Language tandem exchange
10:15 ·
- Interkulturelle Veranstaltung/intercultural event
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
in German & in English
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
Markt der internationalen Möglichkeiten 2025
10:15 ·
- Interkulturelle Veranstaltung/intercultural event
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
- Workshop/Vortrag/lecture
Discover the intercultural and international offers of the university and the International Centre
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
WelcomeCafé: Study organisation (regular studies)
15:30 ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
First steps and tips on timetabling and everyday study life, learning culture, how to communicate at university and where to get help
- presence
- public
- barrier-free
Guided tour of Schiller's garden house
11 s.t. ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Discover Friedrich Schiller's famous garden house! An exciting tour with interesting information awaits you. The tour is offered in German and English.
- presence
- public
WelcomeCafé: Healthcare system and healthy study
15:30 ·
- Willkommenstage/Welcome Days
Information event for international students
- presence
- public
- barrier-free