Engagement calendar

Calendar for international students

Events, appointments and calls for (international) students of the University of Jena
Engagement calendar
Image: Britta Salheiser (Universität Jena)

Keep up to date on events and announcements for (international) students in Jena.
Alls Students of Friedrich-Schiller-Universität are cordially invited. 

You can also explore other events of the International Office de and the University de in general.

Do you have any event information that you would like us to include? Please write to international@uni-jena.de.


Events are listed here only if they are offered bilingually. Events only offered in German are listed in the German version de of this calendar.

The key symbol signifies that an event is not public and reaquires registration

The time given refers to the Middle European Time ZoneExternal link (Berlin).

The respective organizers are responsible for the events we list here.

For digital events please not our notice on data protectionpdf, 101 kb about webmeetings. 

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