The LIBERTY profile encompasses research in areas such as social change, the Enlightenment/Romanticism and contemporary history/cultures of history.
LIBERTY profile
- Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish StudiesExternal link
- Ethics CenterExternal link
- Forschungsstelle Europäische Romantik de
- Forum for the Study of the Global ConditionExternal linkde
- Imre Kertész Kolleg. Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century: Comparative Historical ExperienceExternal linkde
- Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
- Jena Schumpeter Center for the Research on Socio-Economic Change (JSEC)
- KomRex - Zentrum für Rechtsextremismusforschung, Demokratiebildung und gesellschaftliche Integration de de
- Research Center for Religion and Education (RCRE)External linkde
- BMBF WeCaRe - Gesundheitsversorgung in strukturschwachen RegionenExternal linkde
- CRC/TRR 294 Structural Change of PropertyExternal link
- DFG Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt: Wie umgehen mit Rassismus, Sexismus und Antisemitismus in Werken der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie? (Selbst-)kritische Philosophiegeschichte als Projekt einer „Public Philosophy“External linkde
- International Max Planck Research School for the Science of Human HistoryExternal link
- RTG 2041 Modell Romantik. Variation-Reichweite-AktualitätExternal link
- RTG 2792 Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle AgesExternal link
The coordination committeepdf, 80 kb · de of the LIBERTY profile serves as the reporting and strategic element. Spokespersons of the coordination committee are Prof. Dr. Diana Forker and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Henn.
Sebastian Henn, Prof. Dr
Spokesperson of the LIBERTY profile
Chair of Economic Geography

Office hours:
fällt aus am 12.11.2019
fällt aus am 12.11.2019
Martin Jung, Dr