Mann schaut auf seine Armbanduhr.
Flexibilisation of working conditions
In the interests of a family-friendly and health-promoting working atmosphere, the aim is to achieve the greatest possible flexibilisation of the framework working conditions for the employees of Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
These regulations regarding the flexibilisation of working hours currently exist at the university:
- a framework service agreementThis link requires a loginde (Rahmendienstvereinbarung) on flexitime in the Central University Administration
- a service agreement|agreement on flexitimeThis link requires a loginde in the Botanic Garden
- a service agreement|agreement on flexitimeThis link requires a loginde in the technical operating unit of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
- Service agreement|agreement on teleworkingThis link requires a loginde (alternating teleworking) for non-academic staff
- A service agreement|agreement on Mobile Working AgreementThis link requires a loginde
- there is also the possibility of part-time work in consultation with the supervisor
Organisation of work in the home office
Not only working from home, but also in the office requires a lot of organisational skills and needs clear structures and boundaries. This helps you to optimise your work processes and increases your own well-being.
You can find initial information on work organisation in the home office in the following handoutThis link requires a loginde
The following questions, among others, are answered:
- How do you structure your working day?
- How do you get into a working mode?
- How do you avoid distractions?
Workplace health management