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Shaping cooperation

Image: Max Schneider

A critical examination of cooperation and work processes and their further development is important in order to reduce workloads and ensure that employees at the University of Jena remain healthy, motivated and productive. Good cooperation requires transparent processes, clear allocation of tasks and responsibilities. This should provide employees with orientation and, above all, security in their daily work and lead to a reduction in workload in the sense of a health-promoting organisation of work processes.

Counselling services

As part of occupational health management, we support research groups|working groups|study groups|task forces:

  • in reflecting on their current work situation, cooperation and/or communication
  • in identifying the need for change
  • clarifying work processes, competences and responsibilities
  • developing concrete measures for change
  • Supporting the change process
  • taking employees along on the path to change.

Who is the tender aimed at?

All subject) areas|fields of the University of Jena that want to reflect on and change the way they work together in order to reduce workloads

Workshop programme

In addition to individual advisory services(s)|consultations, we offer the organisation and moderation of workshops with those involved. The programme and content of such workshops are tailored to the specific circumstances and the goals to be achieved. Your goals are worked out in detailed preliminary discussions and the workshop concept is designed accordingly.

Suggestions or unanswered questions? Then please feel free to contact us!

Workplace health management