Getting started can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. To help you get started with the university's "digital" tender, we have summarised important information here.
Uni-Account - Your access to IT services
Would you like to use the IT services of the University Computer Centre? Your personal Uni-Account makes it possible.You will need an identification number and a PIN to register your Uni-Account. Students will receive information on this with their enrolment documents. Employees should contact the IT Service Centre.
- Activation of your university account: Self-registrationExternal link
- Details: Account - Your access to IT services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Team communication and collaboration
Team collaboration
Communicate quickly and easily in a team? Exchanging knowledge, sharing files or working together on documents? No problem - we offer digital tools:Uni Cloud - online storage and more
Working on documents together and discussing results via chat or video conference - collabCloud offers numerous options for efficient collaboration.- Access via internet browser: cloud.uni-jena.deExternal link
- Details: can be found under storage services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Digital learning and teaching
Digital learning and teaching
Mastering everyday university life digitally? Our learning platform Moodle and Zoom meetings will support you.E-learning - Moodle online learning platform
You can work together, exchange materials for course|classes, share tasks and upload results on our online learning platform Moodle.- Access via internet browser: moodle.uni-jena.deExternal link
- Details: can be found under E-Learning
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Online teaching with Zoom meetings
You would like to organise courses (offered) digitally - at the University of Jena digital lectures, seminars or office hours|consultations are offered via Zoom.- Access via internet browser: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/External link
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Friedolin - Online study administration
Would you like to view the current schedule of classes, register for course|classes and examinations or view grades? Friedolin is the University of Jena's central online student administration centre for almost all student matters.- Access via Internet browser: Friedolin - Online Student AdministrationExternal link
- Details: Friedolin - online student administration
Save digital data
Store digital data
Would you like to store your data securely at the URZ and be able to access it from home? Do you want your data to be stored securely here at the URZ? Different services are used for different data and purposes:Individual storage space
For personal data that should not be shared with others, we provide you with individual storage space.- Access via network drive folder: \\zufs.uni-jena.de\home\a\ab12cde
- "a" stands for the first letter of your university account "ab12cde"
- Details: can be found under storage services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Storage space for research groups|working groups|study groups|task force
To share access to data with other people at the University of Jena, you can apply for storage space for research groups|working groups|study group|task forces.- How to apply: URZ Service DeskExternal link
- Details: can be found under storage services
Uni Cloud - online storage and more
Do you need to synchronise data between different devices (laptops, smartphones, etc.)? Or do you want to exchange data with people at the University of Jena and external parties - the Uni Cloud offers the greatest possible flexibility when it comes to storage.- Access via internet browser: cloud.uni-jena.deExternal link
- Details: can be found under storage services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Data storage
Do you have large amounts of research data that are no longer regularly accessed? Do you want to store it in accordance with DFG rules and regulations? - Apply for storage space for longer-term storage.- How to apply: URZ Service DeskExternal link
- Details: can be found under storage services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
- Access via network drive folder: \\zufs.uni-jena.de\home\a\ab12cde
WLAN - eduroam
WLAN - eduroam
Would you like to use the university WLAN on your laptop or smartphone to access the internet and university services? There is a suitable app for installing and setting the settings at https://geteduroam.appExternal link.- Details: can be found under internet access
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Would you like to receive and send e-mails from the university via the Internet browser, Outlook, Thunderbird and the like? You can find information here:- Access via internet browser: for students via WebmailExternal link and for employees with Exchange accounts via the Outlook Web AppExternal link (OWA)
- Details: can be found under mail services
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Are you wondering why you need a VPN? A lot of data, information and services can only be accessed in the university's protected network. If you want to access them while travelling, you need a secure connection via VPN access.- Details: can be found under internet access
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Virus protection and security measures
IT systems, but also users, are exposed to the increasing risk of attacks. We all encounter threats in the form of operating errors, viruses and malware or phishing.
The best possible protection against attacks is only possible if everyone helps!
Protection against viruses and other measures to keep your working environment secure
Protect your computer against viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and other potentially unwanted applications. The University Computer Centre provides the Sophos Antivirus security software from Sophos for affiliates of the University.- Details: IT security measures
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Procedure for IT security incidents
If an IT security incident occurs, this can have a considerable impact on the university's IT operations. In order to be able to react quickly as a University Computer Centre, we have created a guide to help you in the event of an IT security incident.- Details: Procedure for IT security incidents
- Reporting IT security incidents: URZ Service DeskExternal link
Office 365 ProPlus
Office 365 ProPlus
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc? With Office 365 ProPlus, students and employees of the university receive the programme package free of charge for the duration of their studies or employment.- Application: via the service portalExternal link (after registration in the service portal: select Microsoft in the menu on the left)
- Details: can be found under software service
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
Software service
Special conditions for software products
Do you need specialised software for your studies? Whether AutoDesk, Citavi or SPSS - the URZ offers suitable software for various tasks via licence agreements or supports research institutions in the procurement of software.- Details: Software service
for students and doctoral candidates: - Application: URZ Service DeskExternal link
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
for employees: - Application: URZ Service DeskExternal link
- Further information: URZ knowledge databaseExternal link
- Details: Software service