Äpfel mit dem BGM-Logo
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What is the Occupational Health Management at the University?

health in the context of the University Jena
Äpfel mit dem BGM-Logo
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)


vier bunte Sprechblasen mit verschiedenen Icons
vier bunte Sprechblasen mit verschiedenen Icons
Graphic: Universität Jena

What do we unerstand by health?

At the University, we define health as the well-being of all members on a comprehensive level. This includes mental and physical health as well as social aspects of health. Individual capacities and behaviours of employees are considered as well as employment relationships and organizational circumstances at the University.

What does Occupational Health Management (OHM) mean?

OHM is an in-house occupational health scheme to make systematic, continuous efforts towards creating health-promoting infrastructures, procedures and enabling employees in making self-reliable and health-conscious choices. 

It is based on three pillars:

  1. Aside from ensuring the compliance with statutory provisions, the University´s Occupational Safety and Health Protection staff are the point of contact for questions regarding computer glasses, noise and light as well as ergonomic tools. 
  2. Occupational Integration Management (OIM) at the University supports employees that had to interrupt work due to a prolonged period of illness. Furthermore, it aims at making provisions regarding repeated inability to work and to prevent occupational incapability, respectively. 
  3. Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) at the University targets both behaviour-oriented and environmentally-oriented optimization of the health-related framework. Further education, topic-specific events, and advice for setting up ergongomic workspaces are but a few of the various options the University can offer. 
Das BGM-Haus mit den drei Säulen
Das BGM-Haus mit den drei Säulen
Picture: BGM-Team



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Occupational Health Management