IMPULSE - project

Friedrich Schiller University supports its early and advanced postdocs applying for own third-party funds.

Acquiring their own third-party funding is an important step in the career development of early career researchers and the establishment of their own research profile. The success of their own research proposals depends heavily on the preliminary scientific work they have done. For this reason, we support our early career researchers by providing them with financial assistance in the preparation of promising research proposals for the acquisition of third-party funding.

Program line for young researchers
In this program line we support postdoctoral researchers at the beginning of their academic career.
Eligible to apply are young researchers at University who completed their doctorate no more than 3 years ago. Projects are funded that should lead to a third-party funding application in the following year of funding. The following year. Funding for assistants as well as material and travel expenses up to a total amount of       10,000 can be applied for.

Important prerequisite: The supervisors must confirm that the employment relationship at the
University for the intended duration of the funding through the program or that it is intended to continue for this period. is intended for this period. Intramural double funding at the University Hospital Jena /University is excluded.

Program line for advanced junior researchers
In this program line, the acquisition of third-party funds to establish an own junior research group (e.g. Emmy Noether Program, Heisenberg Program, Marie Cur group (e.g. Emmy Noether Program, Heisenberg Program, Marie Curie Fellowship, ERC, no DFG grant! material grant!). Funding is provided for projects that must be funded within the two years of the program.
program should lead to a third-party funding application. Eligible to apply are postdoctoral researchers at the FSU whose doctorate was awarded no more than 6 years ago are eligible to apply. Funding can be provided for academic staff, auxiliary as well as material and travel expenses up to a total amount of 20,000 .

Please note: As an applicant, you should have already independently funded at least one project during your academic career. have already independently funded at least one project in a competitive procedure.
Important prerequisite: Your supervisors must confirm that your employment at the University of Jena is secured for the intended duration of the funding through the program or that it is intended to continue for this period. Intramural double funding at the University Hospital Jena/University of Jena is excluded.

Selection decision
The funding decision is made on the basis of independent expert opinions that assess the originality of the research idea, the quality of the work program and the prospects of success of the development of an assessable project application during the funding period. In addition, previous achievements (degree, doctorate, publications, third-party funding, scientific prizes) are included in the assessment, as is the applicant's career age.


 IMPULSEproject  is annually advertised on September, 5th. Applications may be submitted till October, 31th of the respective year. 

Attention! The application deadline has been extended unitl 31 October!

Please submit your application via the online application portal: link


Juliane Heimann, Dr
Dr. Juliane Heimann
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link