Writing global climate strike


The initiative Fridays For Future calls for a demonstration for the climate.
Writing global climate strike
Image: Fridays For Future Germany


Demonstration planned in Jena

On Friday 24.09. the local group of Fridays For Future Jena calls for a strike. From 12:00, the announced large-scale demonstration for a social and climate-just society will begin at the Holzmarkt in downtown Jena. With a colorful program and music, there will then be a demo route through the city, before the final rally will take place at approximately 14:00 at Eichplatz. According to the initiative, not only students can and should participate: People of all ages are urged to stand up for a sustainable, the climate crisis counteracting design of our society.

"We must stop maintaining an economic system that exploitatively allows a small part of humanity to live in luxury. We must finally begin to seriously fight for the good life for ALL." says a press release of the local initiative. 

The announced strike will take place 2 days before this year's federal election, which is often referred to as the "election of the century" because of its significance for climate policy. As already discussed in our last report on the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeExternal link, the election could be decisive for how global warming progresses in the coming years. Nevertheless, the initiative points out that the problem will not be solved at the ballot box alone. Because none of the leading parties would meet the requirements of the Paris climate agreement with their election program. For this very reason, it is important to continue to exert pressure on politicians in order to preserve the foundations of life on earth.