Family Office, Service Centre for Research and Transfer, Personnel Department, etc.: Jena University offers a broad range of information and advisory services. This overview shows which office is responsible for what issues. Contact the Welcome and Service Desk for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs for assistance to find the right contact person for your concern.
Advice on doctorate with child care and family care
The University's Family Office provides information and advice on questions related to "living in Jena with children", on legal aspects linked to "family and career", and on cultural and leisure offers for families in Jena. You will also receive information on topics that are related to take care of close relatives, e.g. "Nursing care and profession" or "Care of relatives". For more information, click here. You can also find basic information on the topic of "doctorate and family" here.
Advice on matters of teaching
The Servicestelle LehreLernen (Service centre for didactics qualifications) offers individual advice and coaching on questions concerning your teaching. Please send your inquiries to lehrelernen@uni-jena.de.
Advice on matters of writing
The "Writing Centre" ("Schreibenlernen") is a contact point and forum for all those who want to develop their writing skills. It offers individual counselling and workshops. For more information, click here de.
Promotion of research, research transfer and business start-ups
The Service Centre for Research and Transfer offers you information and advice on how to utilise your research results. The Service Centre's business start-up service provides consultancy on ideas for setting up business.
Advice on questions of equal opportunities
The Equal Opportunity Office is the contact point for any questions regarding the promotion of women in academia, gender-sensitive staff policy issues, or individual situations of conflict or crisis in context with gender equality. The University's Gender Equality staff will be happy to help you. For more information, click hereExternal link.
Advice concerning Diversity issues
In 2019, Friedrich Schiller University Jena founded the Diversity Office. All employees and students are free to consult the Diversity Office in order to receive advice or to register diversity-related problems. With the aim of removing barriers and realising equal opportunities for all, independent of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender, the Diversity Office is involved in the planning and organisation of the conditions for teaching, studying and working at the university. If you experience or observe discrimination or disadvantage at Friedrich Schiller University, you can report this anonymously to the Diversity Office using this reporting form.
For further information about the Diversity Office, please click here.
Guidance with regard to disabilities
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has a representative body for disabled employees. It supports the integration of disabled persons into the university, represents their interests and gives them advice. For further information (in German), please click here de.
Advice on labour law issues
Jena University employees can turn to the Personnel Department if they have any questions regarding their work contract, payment or the application of the law on fixed-term employment in research and science (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). For more information, click here de(information only in German). The staff council de can also give you advice on these issues.
Advice in cases of conflicts in the work environment
The Staff Council de of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers advice in cases of conflicts in the work environment, for example in cases of mobbing, stalking and harassment. If you experience or observe discrimination or disadvantage at Friedrich Schiller University, you can report this anonymously to the Diversity Office using this reporting form. You can also contact the equal opportunities office de, the diversity office or the legal office de.