Two conflict parties and a mediator

Consulting in cases of conflict

What do I do in cases of conflict or in cases of scientific misconduct?
Two conflict parties and a mediator

The Graduate Academy has ombudsman who mediate when there are severe conflicts between doctoral candidates and their supervisors.

The ombudsman are six experienced academics who act confidentially, independently and impartially. They have their background in different disciplines:

  • Prof. Dr. Holger Gies (Physical Faculty)
    Deputy: Prof. Dr. Nicole van Dam (Biological Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Hammerschmidt (Arts)
    Deputy: Prof. Dr. Tobias Rothmund (Social and Behavioural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Jutta Hübner (Medicine)
    Deputy: Prof. Dr. Walter Bayer (Law)

In cases of conflict, please contact Dr. Gunda Huskobla. She supports the activities of the ombudsman in the office of the Graduate Academy and will pass on your request upon preliminary consultation.

Gunda Huskobla, Dr
Gunda Huskobla
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Haus für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs - Zur Rosen
Johannisstraße 13
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Scientific misconduct

In public, "good scientific practice" is often equated with cases of plagiarism when it comes to dissertations. However, the topic covers a substantially wider spectrum of scientific conduct:

  • dealing with data (including checking, recording, ownership and storage),
  • the publishing process and authorship,
  • responsible supervision,
  • academic cooperation,
  • conflicts of interest
  • dealing with conflicts.

Examples of inappropriate academic behaviour include inventing or faking data, violating intellectual property (theft of ideas or plagiarism), and sabotaging the research of others. The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has adopted guidelines concerning the protection of good scientific practice. These can be found hereExternal link.

In the event of suspicions or accusations concerning scientific misconduct, please contact one of the persons of trustExternal link. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has also deployed an ombudsman for scienceExternal link whom you may approach.

Further offers for consulting in cases of conflict for employees of University of Jena

The staff representative councilExternal link of Jena University offers consulting in cases of mobbing, stalking and harassment.

The department for staff development de offers in cases of conflict mediation between conflict parties (employees of Jena University).