Please find hereafter useful information on bookings and cancellations as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
Who may participate in the qualification programme of the Graduate Academy of Jena University?
All doctoral candidates and postdocs of Friedrich Schiller University Jena may participate in the qualification programme of the Graduate Academy. Doctoral candidates have to be registered in doc-in as admitted doctoral candidates. The group of postdocs includes young researchers working on a habilitation, research assistants with a PhD, heads of junior research groups as well as junior professors of FSU Jena.
Are the qualification programme courses accessible without barriers?
The Graduate Academy makes every effort to ensure that all doctoral candidates can take part in its qualification programme. Unfortunately, not all venues at Jena University are accessible to people with disabilities. If you would like to take part in the qualification programme and have special needs due to health conditions (e.g. hearing, visual and other physical impairments), please write an e-mail to ga-qualifizierung@uni-jena.de. This allows us to ensure that the lecturers can take your needs into account and that the relevant room is accessible to you.
How do I register?
You have to register online using the qualifications portal of Jena UniversityExternal link. Members of Jena University can log in by using the university login credentials. Eligible external participants may sign up to create a user account.
Registrations are usually accepted until three weeks before the beginning of the workshop. After submitting the registration you will receive an automatic registration confirmation via e-mail. Upon expiry of the application deadline, the Graduate Academy informs you by e-mail whether you were accepted. Furthermore, you will receive information regarding the payment terms for the service charge. Your registration will become binding by paying the service charge.
How much is the service charge?
Doctoral candidates and postdocs of Jena University pay a service charge of a maximum of 30€ per course depending on the workshop category. Please refer to the respective course description for the exact amount of the service charge.
Please note: If you are unable to attend a workshop, the participation fee can only be refunded if the participation is cancelled at least 14 days before the first day of the workshop.
What is the benefit of the waiting list?
Please make use of the waiting list in case a workshop is fully booked. This way you will automatically move up from the list, if registered participants deregister.
I am not able to participate. What now?
If you realise that you are not able to participate in the requested course, please deregister immediately. This way further interested people may move up the waiting list.
Please note: The participation fee can only be refunded if participation in the course is cancelled at least 14 days before the first day of the workshop. In case of repeated absence from courses without cancellation, we may impose sanctions for further participation in the qualification programme.
How do I deregister?
If you are not able to participate despite a successful registration, please deregister immediately via the qualifications portalExternal link. You can deregister in your user account in the section "My Content". You will then receive an e-mail confirming your withdrawal. The participation fee can only be refunded if participation in the course is cancelled at least 14 days before the first day of the workshop.
Will there be sanctions, if I don’t show up to the course without deregistering beforehand?
If you repeatedly don't show up to courses of the Graduate Academy without deregistering beforehand, we will reserve the right to suspend you from participating in the qualification programme for a whole term.
The qualification programme of the Graduate Academy is a premium offer of advanced graduate training. Every single expired position causes disadvantages, e.g. regarding the performance of the workshops by the trainers. Moreover, it wastes resources - averaging 150€ per participant per day - which we would gladly invest in the qualification of a successor on the waiting list.
Do I receive a certificate? What is a supplement?
The Graduate Academy awards a certificate with supplement upon successful participation in the courses of the qualification programme. In the supplement, details can be found regarding the content of the successfully completed course.
You will not receive a certificate if you were absent more than 20% of the time of the course or if you didn't pay the service charge.