ESN Jena
Logo ESN Jena
Image: ESN JenaWe are ESN Jena, part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and one of 45+ sections in Germany dedicated to helping international students and organising various fun activities and events. In addition to organising events during the first month that most students come, we also organise activities throughout the entire semester so you're never bored in Jena! With ESN Jena, there is always an opportunity to meet new people, find people who share interests or passions, and discover a new city - The City of Light, Jena.
In our office at the Haus auf der Mauer in the city center, everyone has a chance to come up with fresh ideas as well as implement old ones. The meetings are in English and we meet on Tuesdays at 18:00.
We welcome new members all year round :) And we occasionally have open meetings which we'll announce on Instagram and through mailing lists. During the open meeting, we will explain all the basics of ESN and what kind of events we work with in more detail.
E-Mail: mail@esn-jena.de
Webseite: www.jena.esn-germany.de/External link
Instagram: @esnjenaExternal link -
Logo Intr.Ro Jena
Graphic: Int.Ro JenaWe are an international community centre and the official Department for Intercultural Exchange of the Student Council of FSU Jena. On a voluntary basis, German and international students of Int.Ro are committed to bring together students from all over the world and to enhance intercultural understanding.
Our door is always open to you! If you have any questions, or if you would like to become committed to Int.Ro or one of our groups, just come around or send us an e-mail. We are looking forward to your visit!
You can find our current meeting and office hours on our homepage.
E-Mail: vorstand.intro@stura.uni-jena.de
Webseite: www.introseite.de/External link
Instagram: @intro_jenaExternal link
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/intro.jena/ External link -
MediNetz Jena
Logo MediNetz Jena
Picture: MediNetz JenaSick and without documents?
MediNetz Jena e.V. is an independent and anonymous medical organisation for people without papers and refugees.Active participation in the association is possible for everyone. Currently we are students and professionals from many different disciplines as well as some doctors.
There is also the possibility to participate in the plenum online. Everyone is welcome!We have a weekly meeting at 18:30 in the „Anonymous Krankenschein Thüringen e.V.“ office (Arvid Harnack Straße 26, 07743 Jena) You’re very welcome to join us!
On every last Wednesday of the month, there is also the opportunity to ask all kinds of questions and exchange knowledge from 18:15 before the official start of the plenary session. This would be a good opportunity, for example, for people who are new and would like to take a look at our MediNetz.
Email: kontakt@medinetz-jena.de
Website: https://medinetz-jena.de/External link
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/medinetzjena/External link -
Refugee Law Clinic
Logo der RLC Jena
Graphic: RLC Jena e.V.Would you like to become part of the Refugee Law Clinic?
You have the opportunity to work with us as a counselor.
In addition, we always need helping hands in the organization of the RLC and in public relations. So you also have the opportunity to lend a hand in these areas! We meet every Tuesday at 7.30 pm (during Ramadan from 6.30 pm) in the counseling rooms of Weltraum Jena e.V. - come along!Our annual training for volunteer legal advisorsExternal link in asylum and residence law starts again in April.
E-Mail: info@rlcjena.de
Webseite: www.rlcjena.deExternal link
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rlc.jena/External link
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/RLCJena/External link -
Together in Jena
Logo der Gruppe "Together in Jena"
Graphic: Together in Jena“Do you like to discover beautiful places around Jena but your friends are super lazy? Then join our hiking group.”
Actually, frequently new people join and we get to know to new people on every event.The group was initial at Feb 2017 as a hiking group, but since the type of activities is diverse increased and not limited anymore to hikes, we changed the name of the group in Together in Jena and now the hiking activities are a part of the main group.
We try to mix with new people and to avoid making small groups with our friends or people from our country. Sometimes we have introduction rounds and small games to support the integration. Usually we easily come closer, find new friends and even relationships were made. Also it is typical to share the food we bring while having breaks outdoors.
E-Mail: hiking.jena@gmail.com
Webseite: www.hiking-jena.de/homeExternal link
Instagram: @hiking.jenaExternal link
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/1950064381888219/External link
WhatsApp: chat.whatsapp.com/JDZbUx1sS2Q2u8xgTaGX88 External link
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC4GYhSSpEgh7HSxhoWVVLYwExternal link
The Podcast "Uni Jena international" provides answers to the most important questions that (not only) international students ask themselves. Every month we get to know people and possibilities at Jena University.
placeholder image — Discover Jena Video Thumbnail
Graphic: Thomas Franke-Opitz