It is with deep dismay and concerns that we look at the injustices that are currently happening in Ukraine. We express our solidarity and compassion with those that suffer from this war and its consequences. The University of Jena and the city of JenaExternal link jointly coordinate aid efforts.
We have initiated this website for researchers from Ukraine. Here you can find an overview of all contact persons who can help you find counsel and support and provide information on funding programmes.
Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf
07743 Jena Jena
Susanne Golz und Dr. Mareike Rind
07743 Jena
Funding programmes
For PhD students from Ukraine
Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Funding Programme Forced MigrationExternal link. Please contact the responsible contact at the SFTExternal link
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
In addition, the DFG offers further possibilities. In many funding programs (e.g., grants-in-kind, priority programs, research groups, research training groups), it is possible to submit supplemental proposalsExternal link to integrate individuals who have fled their home countries in the last three years into DFG projects that are already underway. Supplemental proposals can be directed at any funding that allows the persons concerned to be integrated into the project as research assistants, doctoral candidates, postdocs or professors.
Application and support by the research funding of the University of Jena. Please contact the respective contact personExternal link for your faculty.
- DAAD Hilde Domin-Programm
https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/hilde-domin-programm/External link
For postdocs and experienced researchers from Ukraine
- MSCA4Ukraine-Initiative – Call 2024
- Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Funding Programme Forced MigrationExternal link. Please contact the responsible contact at the SFTExternal link
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Opening of the Walter Benjamin ProgramExternal link to refugee scientists at every career stage from doctoral level onwards.
Special programme for Ukraine External link
Supplementary proposals External link(In many funding programs (e.g., material grant, priority program, research group, research training group), it is possible to submit supplementary proposals to include refugees in DFG projects that are already underway).
Application and support by the research funding of the University of Jena. Please contact the respective contact personExternal link for your faculty.
Further long-term funding opportunities for refugee researchers or researchers at risk from Ukraine at the University of Jena
The third-party funding portal offers a comprehensive overview of national and international funding opportunities. Depending on their respective career stage, Ukrainian academics can find information on funding opportunities for joint research projects and collaborations with Jena researchers.
On the third-party funding portal you will also find the contact persons at the University of Jena who can support you with your application.
Support and funding opportunities of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for refugee researchers from Ukraine
Lists of institutes worldwide that host researches from Ukraine
Support and networking activities for researchers from Ukraine
Support services and first points of contact
You will find important information and further links:
Information and first steps after arrival in Jena in German, English, Russian and Ukrainian can be downloaded here:
https://rathaus.jena.de/en/admission-ukrainian-war-refugeesExternal link
- University of Jena - Unterstützung für die Ukraine de