Group picture of international tutoring service

International Tutoring Service

Support for newly arriving doctoral candidates and postdocs
Group picture of international tutoring service
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

The Graduate Academy offers international doctoral candidates and postdocs a free peer-to-peer support service to help you organising your stay in Jena.

  • What are the issues the tutoring service can help me with?
    • questions about entry and stay (visa issues, citizens' service, immigration office)
    • orientation in the city and at the university (search for the right contact person)
    • procedures at Jena University (admission as a doctoral candidate, enrolment, multimedia centre, computer centre, library)
    • doctorate and family (finding childcare, kindergarten, school)
    • issues and problems of everyday life (finding accomodation, bank accounts, insurances)
  • Who are the tutors?
    Group picture of international tutoring service
    Group picture of international tutoring service
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

    The tutors of Graduate Academy are pursueing their doctorate at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. They speak English, German, and some other languages.

  • How can I contact the tutoring service?

    Please write an e-mail with your issue to Your contact person is Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf.

Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf