Performance reviews at the University of Jena
Performance reviews are a recognised communication element and management tool. At the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, this instrument has also been introduced for cooperation between managers and employees. We see communication as an indispensable basis for successful cooperation between superiors and employees. Friedrich Schiller University Jena therefore recommends that its managers hold regular structured discussions with all employees.
At Friedrich Schiller University Jena, three different types of dialogue are recommended for exchanges with employees:
- Performance review with all employees
- Status meeting with doctoral candidates
- Career dialogue with postdocs
The focus of the discussions varies depending on the target group and qualification phase of the individual employees. To assist with the interviews, guidelines have been developed that can be used to structure and record the various interviews, as well as a brochure that provides an overview of the three types of interview at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the respective key topics.
You can find our brochures on employee, career and status interviews in German and English here de.
Interview protocols
Our guidelines de provide an overview of the topics for the respective interview and offer a possible structure for conducting the interview. However, there is of course room for individual focus. The guidelines can be used to record the discussions.
Training courses
We offer regular training sessions on performance reviews for managers and employees: In the seminars, the performance review is presented as an important personnel management tool and the opportunities and challenges of such a review are discussed. Based on the guidelines of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the process and the main topics of the performance review are discussed and tips on how to conduct the meeting are given.
Main topics:
- Why conduct performance reviews - Opportunities and challenges
- Basic information on the classification and procedure of performance reviews based on the guidelines of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Sensitisation to responsibility and one's own role in performance reviews
- Conducting appraisals
- Dealing with difficult situations / conflicts
- Discussion techniques and conflict resolution strategies
- Exercises and training sessions on interview management
Current seminar dates can be found here.External link
We would be happy to support the introduction of performance reviews in your department/team.
Get in touch with us!
Image: Max Schneider