Postdoc in front of blackboard with formulas

Postdoctoral phase

Information on career steps, general conditions and offers of the university
Postdoc in front of blackboard with formulas
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


  1. Welcome address by Vice-President for young researchers and diversity management
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
    Welcome to the Doctorate
    18 s.t. ·
    • Informationsveranstaltung

    At this event, all new doctoral candidates will get an overview of the offers and possibilities at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
    • Subject to registration
  2. Different career paths
    Illustration: Melissa Fiebig
    Career Days 2024
    • Graduierten-Akademie
    • Informationsveranstaltung

    A broad variety of workshops, information lectures and talks supporting doctoral candidates and postdocs in preparing their next career step in academia or in industry and society.

    • online
    • Subject to registration
  3. Picture of people networking
    Networking with Alumni Working in Industry and Society
    18:00 ·
    • Informationsveranstaltung

    Four Alumni talk about their careers in industry and society

    • presence
    • Subject to registration
All events

Social Media for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs