Our brochure and courses for the summer semester 2025 are now available. You can find the courses on offer both as a calendar view and as a list view. Online registration for the summer semester 2025 starts on 03.03.2025.
You can learn German as an absolute beginner or you can improve your pre-existing language skills with us.
In our German courses, the four basic language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing are systematically developed and practised. Additionally, the study of phonetics, i.e. the correct pronunciation of words and phrases, plays a major role. Grammar teaching alone is no longer a key aspect of the modern teaching of German as a Foreign Language. Instead, Grammar skills complement the basic language skills.
In addition to the regular courses during the semester, covering the language levels from A1 to C2 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), we also offer intensive courses at selected levels, both during the semester and in the pre-sessional period in September.
Our courses are primarily for the benefit of students of the University Jena. If there is spare capacity, students of other German institutes of higher education, Doctoral students of the University Jena or other German institutes of higher education as well as employees of the FSU and guests are welcome to join our courses, too.
Main Courses
In these courses, you will learn the main language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing as well as the sub-disciplines of vocabulary and grammar.
These courses consist of 60 teaching units (UE). One teaching unit includes 45 minutes, meaning you will have 4 SWS in 2 x 90 minute/week class. By taking these courses, it is usually possible to complete one CEFR level of German in two semesters. For example, taking the A1.1 course and, in the next semester, the A1.2 course gives you the opportunity to complete the whole CEFR level A1.
If you pass one of these courses, you gain 5 ECTS points.
Intensive courses in the lecture period
In these courses, you will learn intensively the main language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing as well as the sub-disciplines of vocabulary and grammar.
Intensive courses consist of 60 teaching units (UE) taught over a period of 5 weeks. One teaching unit includes 45 minutes.
It is, therefore, possible to participate in two intensive courses directly after each other if they are at the same level, e.g. A1.1 and A1.2. In this way, you can cover a whole language level in a single semester.
If you pass one intensive course you gain 5 ECTS points. If you pass two courses, you gain 10 ECTS points.
Intensive courses in September
In these courses, you will learn intensively the main language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing as well as the sub-disciplines of vocabulary and grammar.
These intensive courses consist of 60 teaching units (UE) taught over a period of 3 weeks. Classes take place normally from Monday to Friday. One teaching unit includes 45 minutes.
If you pass one of these courses, you gain 5 ECTS points.
Complementary courses
In these courses you work on one skill in particular. You can participate in these courses without taking a Main Course or you can use them to complement a Main Course.
Courses with a specific skill focus:
e.g. Schreiben
Corrective Courses:
e.g. Phonetik, Grammatik
Vocation-related Courses:
e.g. Argumentieren, Referieren, Diskutieren B2+
These courses comprise 30 teaching units. One teaching unit includes 45 minutes, meaning you will have 2 SWS in 1 x 90 minute/week class.
If you pass one of these courses, you gain 3 ECTS points.
Room 520
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena
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Office hours:
during the lecture-free period by appointment only