Bright blue sky with lots of colorful hot air balloons

Diversity Days / Tage der Vielfalt 2024

Bright blue sky with lots of colorful hot air balloons
Image: Pexels
This event is in the past.
Event details
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Types of event
Hands-on activity
The venues are listed
under the individual events
Google Maps site planExternal link
Organized by
Diversity Office | Office of the Vice President for early career researchers and diversity management
Please contact the organizers of the program items
Languages of the event
Wheelchair access
Yes, partially
Yes, open to the (university) public
Registration required

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena cordially invites you to participate in the "Days of Diversity /Diversity Days 2024" around the nationwide Diversity Day on May 28, 2024.

The events of the University of Jena are part of a joint program of events of the Thuringian universities in the period from 15.05. - 07.06.2024, which is open to all students and employees of our university. Please see the overall programme below (t.b.a.).

Events at the University of Jena

Termin Veranstaltungsüberblick

May, 28 2024
10:00 to 14:00

Campus, Ernst-Abbe-Platz                                

Wheelchair course "Change of perspective" on the campus

Hands-on activity on the Ernst-Abbe-Platz campus. Experience the campus from a wheelchair perspective by rolling through a course with the support of wheelchair experts and mastering typical tasks of everyday student life.

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May, 28 2024
11:00 to 14:00

Foyer, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3

Information services and hands-on activities

Get to know the information, advice and service offers and hands-on activities on diversity in everyday study and work life at the university.

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May, 28 2024
15:15 to 16:45


Antiziganism: history, investigation and extent

The online lecture (Zoom) followed by a discussion aims to provide research-based information about the long, turbulent and discriminatory history, situation and experiences of Sinti* and Roma* in Germany, to break down antiziganist narratives and to do preventive work against antiziganism.

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May, 28 2024
18:00 to 19:30

Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3,
room 2.43

Hate speech: opinion or just bad parenting? Statements in the public sphere between punishable delinquency and freedom protected by fundamental rights (in German)

The information event in hybrid format (Zoom) deals with the tension between freedom of expression and criminal offense from a legal and police perspective, in which hate speech comments can move in social media forums.

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May, 31 2024
10:00 to 17:00

Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, room t.b.a.

Arguing against racism (in German)

The workshop with speakers from the Network for Democracy and Courage (NDC) Thuringia is aimed in particular at students of the Thuringian universities. The aims are to address racism, promote anti-racist empowerment, allyship and resilience and strengthen core skills in democracy education.

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June, 07 2024
10:00 to 18:00

Haus auf der Mauer, Johannisplatz 26

Impression - Depression


The Robert Enke Foundation's interactive exhibition offers non-depressed people a 6-10 minute virtual reality experience, accompanied by specialists, about the thoughts and experiences of people with depression with the aim of promoting understanding of the situation of people with depression.
Trigger warning: the exhibition is explicitly aimed only at people WITHOUT depressive symptoms!

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  • Lettering with the motto of the Diversity Days of the Thuringian Universities 2024 "Standing up for diversity - Together at universities"
    Image: Netzwerk Diversität der Thüringer Hochschulen |TU Ilmenau
    Diversity Days at the Thuringian UniversitiesExternal linkde

    The events of the University of Jena are part of a joint event program of the Thuringian universities in the period from 16.05. - 07.06.2024. Participation in the events is open to all students and employees of the University of Jena.