A bee searches for nectar on a dandelion flower in Griesbach's garden, with the Jentower in the background.

Sustainability Strategy

How Friedrich Schiller University Jena is actively shaping the transition to greater sustainability
A bee searches for nectar on a dandelion flower in Griesbach's garden, with the Jentower in the background.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)


Respecting planetary boundaries and securing decent living conditions for present and future generations are some of the greatest challenges facing modern societies.

In order to tackle current crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss, or global inequalities effectively, our economies, cultures and societies will have to undergo a 'Great Transformation'. We at Friedrich Schiller University recognize our responsibility to help shape this transformation and contribute to sustainable development across our entire institution.

Our pathway towards becoming a sustainable university is based on the values in our Mission Statement – Light, Life and Liberty:

  • 'Gathering and spreading light': We support sustainable development by promoting research knowledge, we join forces with external partners to advocate the "Great Transformation", and we strive to become a sustainable university in accordance with the principles of good research practice.
  • 'Preserving and nurturing life': We recognize the right of our present and future generations to decent living conditions and are committed to sustainable development and to safeguarding the natural foundations of life.
  • 'Protecting and shaping liberty': We draw on the innovative potential of academia based on the freedom of research and teaching to turn our University into a laboratory and role model for sustainable development.

By adopting the 'Sustainability Policy Statement' in November 2021, the University's Senate commissioned the development of a comprehensive sustainability strategy in a participatory process.

The present strategy is the result of a Zukunftswerkstatt (future oriented workshop) involving more than 130 University members in different working groups on the topics of research, teaching, knowledge transfer, university operations and governance. The jointly formulated objectives and measures are designed to complement the University's strategic orientation and to serve as a roadmap for becoming a sustainable university over the coming years.

We view ourselves as part of a diverse and democratic society. This is why we consider our Sustainability Strategy to be dynamic and strive to develop it further by involving all University members and external partners. The present strategy is an invitation to deliver and further develop sustainability across all action fields at our University.